Hi Serhan, I hope you don't mind me making a couple of suggestions? But here goes. When you're painting relief work, it is important to use light and shade more than you would in a round figure, to emphasise the form of the subject. Also if you use more muted pastel tones for the background, that will bring out the figure and give more of a 3 D feel to the piece.
Best wishes, Gary.
Hello Gary. Please do make suggestions, all are welcome.
I thought about that and I already tried lights on pillow for to make outline figure itself but so much red color beats the total scene.
It was already hard for me to give lights of ambient due tones of dressing also same color on this one. Lights of dressing and ambient mixed up most of the time. I tried to give more light on right shoulder of the figure towards to the foots darkens. This photo is also not nice and lot of shining due lamps which actually they are not there...
Thank you for the note, I will try more shadows on this one and will apply more contrast in my future tries.