Well-Known Member
The face is very well done and the jacket is outstanding!
Housecarl / Thank you, friend.
aemsl69 / Thank you, aemsl69
winston / usually, I like to use provincial beige,skintone base,scarlet, warm white, burnt sienna, burnt umber, yellow oxid color for flesh tone. All paints is josonja's and you can notice these colors are very simmilar like to use oil paints for flesh tone.
Sometimes, I mix or use directly brilliant violet or green tone for shadow.
I hope you can understand my poor english.
mike / Thank you for your comments and yes, I wanted to show some different in many beautiful historical figures and german WW2 figures.
ken / Thank you for always your warm comments.
pmfs / Thank you very much.
Jay H / Thank you very much, my friend.
Tzanos / Thank you, Tzanos.
tonydawe / I like your painting,too. Thank you
T50 / Thank you very much, sir
rheath / Yes, I really hope to get medal but I don't care even if I can't because my wish is many friends can find my figure and like them as you. That's enough for me.
Thank you very much for your cheering(? is this word right?).
stu / Thank you very much and I hope so.
Artur / I'm always looking for your figures and I like them,too. Thank you, my friend
Allan / Hi Allan, thank you for your comments.
Yes! this figure is difficult for painting honestly, and I wanted to show to all friends this figure and hoped to listen opinions(indications or advice,anything!) for learn more and more for better. So if you can see this figure with my another work(my second version 'a young grenadier 1944'. please check my attached photo) at euro, please let me know your opinion.
I really wanted to see you and your work at Euro...but I can't as last year....
Mike Good / Thank you very much!!! I respect you.
Andy / Thank you for your comments, Andy.
This is my second version 'a young grenadier 1944'. This were finished at Mar,10,2010, my friend(from UK) will take and entry for me.
I hope you like.