very good sculpted and detail...I'm wonder how can you build a 1/35 figure with a great detail because it's tiny than 1/16 figure especially when make a face...nice job anyway..
Don't keep us in suspense - who will be producing the figures?? Given it's a pair, I'm thinking Alpine - but then you've finally released some more WWII Evolution figures, so maybe more for that range... Please stop me guessing!
Wow, awesome pose. The two figures really compliment eachother. You produce an amazing amount of figures they all look great....this if my favorite yet!
Thanks! I am glad that you liked figures! Tarok : Their "Evolution", but will let out later. For Alpine, I now mould two figures.
Once again all Thanks, friends!
Thanks! I am glad that you liked figures! Tarok : Their "Evolution", but will let out later. For Alpine, I now mould two figures.
Once again all Thanks, friends!