According to TV program I was watching last week, these Spits in Burma were crated up at the end of the war and buried because the local British military commander didn't have a use for them and they were surplus to requirement. They weren't buried until after the war ended and were buried to prevent them from falling into the "wrong hands".
The Burmese Government will take half the rediscovered Spits and the bloke who found them will get the other half. He intends to donate a few to the RAF Museum and will sell the rest to pay for the vast sums of money he has already spent rtying to research the planes and discover their location. I'm sure he'll make a small fortune and good luck to him!
Airshows around the world will soon be enjoying the sight of genuine WW2 Spitfires gracing the skies once more and the purr of those magnificent Merlin engines again.