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Hello Guys some more, now the autum camo in the final stage....





Ernest, Fantastic job on the camouflage. Your work ranks way up there with Juame Ortiz and Calvin Tan for sure.~Gary
Originally posted by garyjd@Nov 11 2005, 06:39 AM
Your work ranks way up there with Juame Ortiz and Calvin Tan for sure.~Gary
I couldn't agree with you more Gary. Ernest's painting is surely a quality only seen with the masters of our hobby. Ernest has an upcomming article comming out with Historical Miniatures that will showcase his talent.

I find it amazing what he and Juame and Calvin can bring out in detail on this size of figure.

Keep up the super work Ernest.
Originally posted by garyjd@Nov 11 2005, 07:39 AM
Ernest, Fantastic job on the camouflage. Your work ranks way up there with Juame Ortiz and Calvin Tan for sure.~Gary
WoW Gary...thanks a lot for your flatter my friend, you compare me with this two monster of the hobby :eek: very apreciatted....
hope some day paint one of your sculpts

all the best

Originally posted by Ernest@Nov 11 2005, 11:40 AM
hope some day paint one of your sculpts.

Ernest, The compliment is well deserved. I would love for you to paint one of my figures.~Gary
Fantastic painting Ernest. I would have gone blind painting that camo on that size of figure........awesome work.
AWESOME painting,Ernesto (y) (y) (y) !!!! Have to agree with the rest of the guys;you're DEFINITELY up there with the likes of Calvin and Jaume !! Cheers !