Stefano's Hussars


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
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<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'>Here are the first images of the pieces that some time ago I had anticipated would be my next project, the pictures are the basis of the uniforms ,as usual, sculpted absolutely from scratch..
It is very important to visualize the piece without decorations and ornaments, to truly understand the real cut of the uniform.
Good research is certainly an absolute necessity.
My dear friend Simoncini has been fundamental regarding the realization of the Russian Hussar, I would have not known where to start, his passion for the hussars has made him a great fountain of information.
These two sculptures will grace and enrich his collection.
After ascertaining that everything is in the proper place, with the addition of all the decorations and ornaments , the figures are now complete and primed. Some details such as the glasses, sabretache etc…, will be added after the figures are completely painted.
Ciao to all my friends and fellow members of the Planet.
More images will be posted in the first comment. Cheers, Roc
Amazing work as always. To be honest i was not expecting anything less than that. If only they were commercially available... I just hope that one day Stefano will release a few figures of similar era and subject in the market for us to enjoy.

Sorry but this figure are not for commercial
as you can imagine when a collector choose a subject for his collection,is olways something outstanding.
Subject like that are really dificult to propose for comercial, believe me!!!

ciao da Stefano ;)
Wow! Beautiful sculpting! All the detail on the hussar's uniform must have taken hours and hours of labor. We're talking major eyestrain here, folks!

One small quibble, if the peanut gallery may be allowed. Look at the left boot of the second figure. It looks too long and thin compared to the right boot. Offered as constructive critique only.

All the best,
WOW,that's an AWESOME pair of figures there (y) (y) (y) !!!!! Thanks for posting them,Stefano,and,like the rest,I'll be looking forward to the painting of the completed pieces. Cheers !
Stefano, I just to like only your medieval figures but now I also like your XIX cent work, :eek:

Congratulations to the Collector Simoncini,

Looking forward to your next project, hope to see some in a commercial line.

Keep the fantastic work,

Eduardo Tellez

Make than your last project commercial. We all enjoying your work, we really wanted to paint the creations off your hand.
Hoping that someday it will happen.
