lol Cheers Keith no minion this year sadly, I am pleased with it, not quite done but I'll finish it over the week end, just touching in and minor detailing
Officially done now unless one of you eagle eyed sods spots something If so please shout out, please note the face looks more like the overall pics colour wise than the close up, me and photos eh ?
Its been a great journey seeing this figure come from initial idea to painted completion. A great figure well sculpted and painted commemorating such an important time.
I was not aware that General Grubbiness served in the South Atlantic Conflict Steve??? Seriously Mate this has been a real education for me. I want to have a go at a modern figure but the DPM has always put me off. With all that input from the masters of DPM here it might rekindle my thoughts of having a go. All the very best, Keith
Give it a go Keith if you are tempted it is tricky but as mentioned with input on here wasn't the nightmare I thought. I'd planned on at least one or two total strip downs but skinned it the first time General Grubbiness has been involved in every aspect of my Army service mate at one stage or another
That's the job mate, look much better with a splash of mud and grime on him, enjoy the break from DPM, maybe try some tartan next
Great job all round on this one, will look great on display.