Firstly many thanks to keith to bringing this to my attention. I would also like to thank you all for your kind words and support.
I have contacted / reported the items so its upto ebay now although I will be contacting them and paypal for more info etc and for their policies on assisting fraud and helping counterfeiting.
Its an age old problem and its not going to go away as people always want a cheap product. I run stormtroopers for fun and put high expectations on what I do and what I sell. I take pride in my small company. I hope I give good service ,cast great products well and back that up with support and try to go the extra mile for my customers.
This guy is killing my fun !!!! he is nothing but a t%&t, a slimey low life barstoolerd. I will try to sort this the proper way but if this fails I will resort to plan B.
Unfortunately it would seem that all my pictures are now going to have a stormtroopers logo blasted over them although its pretty obvious from the Hungarian t!&t that pics of the parts is all it takes to make people happy !!!! . I must be doing something seriously wrong !!!!!!!
I will be contacting my trade outlets to see if I can trace this slime ball as he hasn't bought them from me !!!
Unfortunately I doubt I can do nothing about this .....I have noted the large number of perfect English replies and the fact that people are very happy with his service. Funny they wouldn't have a service if it wasn't for me but heyho they really don't give a F,,,k about me do you !!!!!!!! Yes You the Buyer that is reading this also !!!!! You are the PROBLEM.
I will watch and wait,,,,,but if the fun aint there then,,,,,,,,