At first when I saw your post I thought ,,,,Geez,,,Pooop,,, Christ,,,What do I do Know !!!!
Then I spent a fair proportion of the next 2 days contacting ebay !!! learning to think like a recaster and his customer.
It was at this point I got really and I mean really annoyed !!!!!
You had and not for the first time given full airtime to a direct link to everybody to purchase recasts of my 2 kits but if you look, there are a lot better kits than mine in those listings,,,, Nuts planet must either be very very understanding of the problem of recasts because this guy was ripping them off big time. They are seriously haemoraging lost revenue !!!!
This is when I thought ,,,,Why me,,,do you care,,,or you don't,,,why not mention everybody else ,,,,yes I know it was a miracle my stuff was in there but a bloody big shock it was !!!!!
Why didn't you just send me the link ?
Why me ?
To everybody
Forgive me if I am wrong, I always thought recasters were in china /hong kong,,,takes ages ,,Quality beyond Poop.
This is the new dilemma,,,European recasters,,,Closer,,,Faster,,,Better,,and probably cares about his customer !!! Also this Guy doesn't bother with out of production stuff.... This is Brand new,,,hot off the press,,,,my kits are less than 5 months old and less,,,,I am still trying to make or brake possibly venturing into profit at this point,,,and then only because of Euro !!!
This is BAD,,, very BAD.
I hope to be on these guys like a rash now,,, so Keith has helped me, ebay have responded but the Vero paperwork has to be faxed,,,its bizzy !!! and wont send ,,,what does that say.
Keith,,,your not going to leave your only going to not get involved,,,if you left you wouldn't be able to see whats available to spend your money on. That's why everybody looks,, whether they take part or not !!! and that's why what you did gave everybody a link to something that could potentially finish some of us off. This is a new bread of recaster and its not good,,,I only hope that being in Europe its easier to stop it,,,china you can forget it .
Regarding review samples,,,,,, I give Nap review samples,,,,he reviews them,,if he wants to sell it then that's fine. Nap earns his kits . The reviews he does are time consuming , informative and the best by far.
To me manufacturing friends,,,,get wise,,,get registered with Vero on Ebay,,,Plaster your images with a logo it may help and check regularly, the search criteria are really very easy. If you need help I will pass on what I have found,,,its not much but its better than nothing. PM me or mail me
To everybody that's posted help and advice I cant thank you enough and to all those that mailed me etc,,,,cheers mucka's
Many thanks