Mark S
Beautifully painted. A stunning result on a great piece.
Many thanks Tarracus,it took many hours but i got there in the end,thanks for your kind wordsThat's amazing!! A fabulous piece of art!..my congratulations
Many thanks Pedro,yes i forgot to mention the cape is in resin and it was a bitch to paint,some of the tight wrinkles were very hard to get the right brush strokes on it,many thanks for your kind coments,much appriciatedI'm have to say that you really did some Magnificent work!!! Congratulations!!! There is no much more to say about it, it's just beautifull! I like particularly the saddle painting...
One thing, the cape is also resin right? In order to make it thinner I guess.
Best Regards
Hi Don,good to hear from you mate,with regards to the saddle,many bedouin tribes had these fancy saddle clothes made up of different patterns and colours so i thought i'd give myself a challenge and create a pattern,i'm glad you liked it mate,i'll bring it down to euro for your inspection mateBrian You have done a fantastic job on "Awransse" very nice work. I really like the colouring of the camel and his saddle, camel colour looks very good for a true desert beast, Hope you are bringing this with you as I would love a close look at him, nearly forgot, Lawrence looks good too.
Many thanks bill for your kind coments,they are much appriciatedabsolutely fabulous looking! great work!
Many thanks brian for your kind words,to be honest mate it was a slog at times,i started it in may and have only just finished it,i've had other things going on in my life so i did'nt get the time to finish it earlier,however i got there in the end,looking forward to seeing your stuff at euro mate,A brilliant paint job Brian.Must have been a bit time consuming.
Hi Marc,many thanks for your kind coments,yes i will be bringing it down to euro,i dont know where your'e staying but look out for me at the show,i'll have my PF badge onPerfect paintjob all around. Watched the movie a 3 month's ago. It is great. You done him justice.
An y chance that I can have a look at him in Folkstone coming weekend???
Many thanks ken for your kind words,its much appriciatedAbsolutely superb piece.
Many thanks jimmy,i'm not sure about it being a masterclass but i'm very pleased with itA master class in painting.
Many thanks martin for looking and giving your kind coments,they are much appriciatedWOW - amazing! Bravo!
Many thanks alex for your kind coments,they are much appriciatedLove it. Well done, very skillfull painting.
Many thanks carl for your support and coments mate,i'm sorry i wont be catching up with you again mate this year,hopefully i'll manage to get up to sword and lance,take care mateVery nice mate.
Good luck with it at the weekend,
Many thanks derek for your kind words,looking forward to catching a few jars with you and the gang at euro mateNow that is GOOD.....a wonderful job, so full of detail.
Many thanks john for your kind coments,they are much appriciatedBrian,
That is a stunning piece of work and well set in the scene. Congratulations.
Many thanks dave,looking forward to meeting up again,hope ron manages to escape from the iron curtainFantastic work Brian look forward to getting a closer look at Euro.
Cheers Davie
Many thanks steve for your kind wordsWow phenomenal stuff.