G'day Brian,
Amazing painting mate, a piece to be proud of. I have no doubt it will rate very highly with the judges at Euro. The groundwork is stunning and the rider and camel are perfect.
Being a fan of the Australian Light Horse as you know, I should point out that the David Lean's movie "Lawrence of Arabia" neglects to mention that two regiments of the Australian Light Horse, which formed part of the Desert Mounted Column under the command of Lt Gen Harry Chauvel, arrived in Damascus and liberated the city two days before Lawrence and the Arab Revolt arrived to claim victory. The Turks had left the city a day or two earlier and left behind their sick and wounded. The Lighthorsemen were ordered by British GHQ (Allenby) to ride out of Damscus the night before Lawrence arrived, so the Arabs could claim the city in the name of Prince Feizel. As Lawrence and his men rode into Damscus, they passed the lines of the Australian Light Horse camped on the outskirts of Damascus, who were feasting on the goods they'd purchased at the city markets the day before.
Not surprisingly, this fact doesn't sit well with the legend and the mythology built up around Lawrenece, so it is conveniently forgotten. As they say on Fleet Street, "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story". In the course of researching the history of the Light Horse during WW1, I read Lawrence's own published accounts of the war in the desert and his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. He may not have been the liberator of Damascus as Hollywood would have you believe, but his accomplishments were still remarkable and worthy of honour.
I think your painting of this figure has done honour to his legend Brian.