A Fixture
Thank you, very kindVery well laid out and animated. I do enjoy your dios. Looking to seeing the painting as well; will be following.
Thank you, very kindVery well laid out and animated. I do enjoy your dios. Looking to seeing the painting as well; will be following.
Hi Marcus
Those yeoman look great , do like the variation in the horse colours
As always following its great to see your work ...always amazing results
Look forward to seeing more
Happy benchtime
Stay safe
PS ...Hope your thinking about the next diorama subject !
Great action poses & I like the colours you've chosen for the horses, Marcus.
Great diorama - I second Ken's comments.
Thank you ken, you are very kind.You do amazing work my friend! Simply amazing.
Thank you Chris, love model making and creating dynamic scenes and it fills me with joy knowing others appreciate what I create.Great diorama - I second Ken's comments.
Thank you mate, still a way to go yet but enjoyable none the less.And I 3rd it
The face on the Turkish soldíer is fear personified
Well done Marcus
Look forward to seeing more painting on this
Happy benchtime
Stay safe
Thank you kind sir.Absolutely superb. Well planned and executed. The fun you had doing it is palpable.
Thank you mateIt develops really magnificently, just keep going
Cheers Borek
Thank you Chris, for a while I was thinking what to do with the dead space between the wooden base and scene, being an irregular shape was unsure if the map would work, glad it’s getting some attention that adds to the story and scene narrative. So thank you for highlighting.This just gets better every time I look at it, Marcus. The imaginative way you've sketched the terrain map on the sides of the base, & the colour you've painted the field gun are extremely impressive.