12 March 1909 two killers, disguised as informers, tend an ambush at the "wrong" person in front of Villa Garibaldi in Palermo. Their corpses, lacerated, remain on the ground as a warning against organized crime.
This is the end of the return of Petrosino, ever closer to the truth, he no longer had need of more information on The Steamfit from his trip. That man, a great friend of Roosevelt, catched the scent of the right path and to follow it he would return immediately to Blood City. He is a legend in town, one of the few non-corrupt cops, but the ambush dramatically changed him, he had lost confidence in his team, he knew to be nearing the end of his research, but he couldn't stop thinking about the leak that endangered years of investigation. Who cheated and who is responsible?

Concept: Andrea Jula
Sculptor: Benoit Cauchies
Painter: Fabrizio Russo
Material: White Metal
Pieces: 11
Weight: 140gr
Scale: 1:32

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