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fantastic work . im familiar with your work from the Buc Wheat site have you ever thought of doing a non dead German from ww2 as your detail is amazing. keep up the great work

I have thought about doing some serious historical type pieces without the zombie connection, but I prefer to work larger than what I see most of the industry does. Looks like 1/9th scale or smaller is the norm. Would you be interested in 1/4 scale busts?
1/6-1/4 scale busts (300-450mm), while not that common, are hardly a rarity. From 1998 through 2000, I sculpted a series 0f 1/4 scale busts for Ft. Duquesne that I am pleased to say fared rather well in the marketplace--and we were in very good company! Yes, that was then and this is now, but I maintain that a thoroughly researched, well and imaginatively sculpted, fairly priced work will always find a receptive and welcoming audience.

Provided the subject matter is agreeable to me, count me in!

Though I'm not big on doing busts, I really dig the concept of this series. Great sculpting and paint... such morbid detail! Every time I look back at the pics i find something else hidden in the gore... Very kool.
Look forward to seeing more from this series!

Welcome to PF

I was going to wait for the official release, but I am having so much fun with Oberschütze Senfgas that I reached out to the good folk at Quarantine Studio and I now have a studio-cast/AP edition of Panzerkommandant Jürgen on order!

Thanks again to the gang at QS. Can't wait!!!

Great concept,sculpting and painting.Keep up the good work.I think you've got something unique which is good in IMO.
hi mate
sorry for the delay in my response time just fly's . any way I think there could be a market for super detailed 1/4th scale busts in historical subjects . the reason behind this is that a lot of sifi guys and lady's do busts of this scale already as you well know. so there could be a market for this . myself I prefer to paint bigger busts to make them more realistic but that's my view . anyway keep up the great work and speak soon cheers nick.
Hello Wilhelm, I really like your "Herr Burkhart" bust. The soldiers are indeed Finnish troops that have the death head motif on their helmets, and look great with the zombie you created. Your ideas with this range are very interesting, and also very different, which is why I like them. Welcome to PF, I look forward to seeing your excellent work in the future. Regards, SG:happy: