The Horror, The Horror


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Thanks Rhodes. Yes, both of the "damaged goods" busts were there :) .
The Galland and the kamikaze from the link plus the von Blucher (which has it's own horror story behind it) and the Rickenbacker busts were mine.
I don't know...seems like I can't do any figure without having some kind of problem with it. I'm developing a bit of a complex about it.

I know I saw your name on the sheet in front of your pieces but I can't seem to remember which ones were yours. Did I post any pictures of them? (I sure hope I did :) ).
Here's hoping that we'll get to meet at next years show.
My best(?) ever was with a David Grieve figure. It was the one from the Battle of Minden with all the lace patterns on the tunic. I had just finished doing all of the lace work and was admiring my work while having a cup of tea (I am British) and a few biscuits. The call of nature arrived (must have been the tea) and so I was off to the toilet. A huge crash from the work room!!!!!. Mans best friend thought that he would enjoy a biscuit while I was gone. He knocked over the figure and also some turps as well. Result, well you guess :eek: . I never did get the heart to redo all that lace.
Once during a late-night painting session, I reached over for my glass of beer. Just as I was to take a sip while staring at a 1/35 head through an optivisor, the taste of silicoil told me that wasn't beer in my hand.

Maybe it was a Corona with a lemon slice in the bottleneck :lol: ;)

Seriously, after painting undercoats in Humbrol for ages I'm now for the first time trying out painting oils over a Vallejo undercoat, and don't know what i'm doing wrong - seems that the oils first don't get a "grip" on the undercoat, and then later it all gets "sticky". It's probably just that the acrylics haven't dried completely - I put on up to three reasonably thin coats; someone suggested that I apply just one Vallejo undercoat with an airbrush, and then, when dry, go in with the oils ...

Nevertheless, I've ruined two 120mm figures this week, and I believe I'll have to go for some oven cleaner to strip of all the paint and start all over again - sigh :(
Originally posted by Grizzly@Aug 31 2004, 09:41 AM
well Janne,they didnt do anything! the kind of parents who let their kids run wild.
At least the people at the show asked them to leave. ;)
Dude, that's when you take the liberty of exercising some "population control measures." That little b@$t@&d :eek: :lol:
Funny that with me projects only fall or get damaged when nearly finished.
Never when just started.
Must be a rule.

Worst was when taking a figure from the oven, Puchalas Richthofen, studying the for once nice matte oil paint and turning to the side to have a look at shadows and see the pinned figure slipping out of the old wood block and bashing on hard floor. Cap and head were deformed, had to be "resculpted" and repainted.

Most smelly horror affecting the work bench:
A bottle of liquid styrene glue running over the bench AND the kit sprues.

Most "colourful" workbench incident:
Airbrushing a Tamiya motorbike for a workmate. Vigorously shaking a Tamiya silver bottle - which was already open. "Silver streak" across the room :D.
Originally posted by Grizzly@Aug 30 2004, 11:00 PM
Oh man i could write a small book of the modeling mishaps,from glueing parts to my fingers etc.!! but id have to say my worst is at a show little over a year ago,my first 120mm figure (serious one that is) awesome job i thought,put it on the table went to check out the vendors,not too long after that this little kid about 5yrs. is running around the table with my figure in his hands! :eek:
Tried to catch him along with a few other modelers,finally cornered him and instead of surrendering the figure the little you know what! threw it right smack into a concrete pillar! :angry:
Once had a nice figure now i got a puzzle. :(
Oh man!!!

I'd want to shoot his parents.

My latest figure was a nightmare. I'm having a terrible time with final assembly. Dry-fitted subassemblies don't fit after I paint them. Then I drop the figure. It's resting in the Pegaso box now...

Hi, my name is Jim and I'm a figure breaker........


:lol: Seriously, I thought I had a corner on screwing up. It's good to have PA (Painters Anyom......oh whatever, we all know I can't spell!) around here. Kinda makes me feel like I'm normal. About the worst I ever did was painting an Elite Highlander and was nearly finished when I sat it down to admire my handy work. There wasn't enough light so I pulled one down a little further so I could get some good light on the figure. Well, I got my light on the figure. The vice mount holding the light on the corner of the table gave way and the lamp landed directly on the figure. It went flying off in 5 or 6 different pieces. His right foot (the only one attached to the ground, was broken off just above the boot. I did manage to rescue this one from the garbage and went on to finish it although the figure never was the same again. Oh well, at least I haven't screwed one up like that again!

Jim Patrick
Once somebody tell me if I could paint a figure for him. I was painting this figure for a long time (a Metal Modeles general with a very difficult decorated coat). I finished the figure and give it him. I thought: YEAH...I finished yet.

A week later he gave me the figure broken again...Oops!

BTW I remember a day I was painting a figure with a cup of coffee and made a mistake. I change the cofee for the glass of water I use to wash the brush. The worse coffee I drank ever ...
