Completed The Lancer


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Again please if I have missed a trick or you see something I can improve just let me know.

You are going to hate me for saying this but.....the quilting is not quite there yet.

In the main you have shaded/highlighted it top to bottom as if it was folded to a central ridge, but quilting is effectively a "round" shape as each segment is domed by being pulled down all round by the stitching.
Depending on the location of your source only the point of the diamond nearest the light will be highlighted the rest will shade down towards the bottom point:


On the lancer you are kind of there but a lot of the segments have highlights on the wrong area of the "bump". For sure some of them will vary from the strict graduation as the fabric hangs differently and catches the light differently but in the main it will be the same.
Unfortunately there is no option really apart from a really tedious one by one blocking in of each individual segment between the stitch lines. It is a bugger.
Sorry :(
You are going to hate me for saying this but.....the quilting is not quite there yet.

In the main you have shaded/highlighted it top to bottom as if it was folded to a central ridge, but quilting is effectively a "round" shape as each segment is domed by being pulled down all round by the stitching.
Depending on the location of your source only the point of the diamond nearest the light will be highlighted the rest will shade down towards the bottom point:


On the lancer you are kind of there but a lot of the segments have highlights on the wrong area of the "bump". For sure some of them will vary from the strict graduation as the fabric hangs differently and catches the light differently but in the main it will be the same.
Unfortunately there is no option really apart from a really tedious one by one blocking in of each individual segment between the stitch lines. It is a bugger.
Sorry :(

Cheers Rob,on the contrary this is just what I need, the quilting isn't finished yet I need to smooth out the blending, because there isn't any at the moment. I tend to paint with the light coming from top left of the figure,that's why some of the quilts don't look quite right for zenithial lighting. Another odd quirk of mine I guess a left over from flats painting but I prefer to stick with what I know, it kinda works for me. But yes there is still quite a bit of tedious work to do on the squares.

Cheers Simon
Well I was going to post this last night but ended watching France convincingly beat New Zealand. Don't hold out much hope for England though, oh dear how sad never mind.

I've softened the transitions between light and shade on the quilting, bear in mind the piccies are a lot larger than the figure, it's bad enough on my phones screen so I hope nobody is looking at them on a proper PC monitor.

I had a crack at his boots and am going to have to dual the highlights back a bit. The accoutrements are nearly done and I have yet to start the weaponry.

At the bench now so I may as well crack on.




Cheers Simon
Nice job with the quilting, Simon..... you clearly have more patience than I do!

You must not have much patience then because it's not one of my strong points. I struggle not say "ah close enough is good enough", it is worth it in the end though, I probably should print that out and put it above my bench.

Cheers Simon
Well after a really hot day at the bench I'm ready to call this fella done.

So what have I done since I posted this morning. I cut back the highlights on the boots just with a black wash, the trouser stripes were painted with a mix of Vallejo Flat Yellow and German Yellow, shaded sparingly with purple ink from Games Workshop. I added some highlights to his rank stripes, cuff ornament and tunic collar with just Vallejo Amaranth Red. About the collar, I opted to paint it red as it would be on the full dress tunic, most versions of this figure (the Chota Sahib) version have it as blue, I think I'm right but will of course stand to be corrected, though the collar will remain red whatever is decided. The brass work, buttons, chin chain and buckle, tip and slide for the pouch belt were done with Army Painter Air Bright Gold, mixed variously with Vallejo Flat Yellow or Amaranth Red, then glazed with sepia ink and matt black. They then recieved a highlight of the same gold with a dab of Vallejo Metal Colour Pale Burnt Metal and then a pure dot of the latter.

His weaponry was painted last, the lance pole with Vallejo Light Brown, the knots on the bamboo were then darkened with Vallejo Smoke. The smoke was then thinned to barely a tint and washed several times over the pole. I then applied an even thinner black wash a couple of times before a quick dry brush of the base colour followed by a single smoke wash. The pennon is simply Vallejo White and Dark Vermilion, the only shading is washes of matt black and the red was highlighted slightly with Amaranth Red. The sword and the metal work on the lance were painted with the same method. A base of Vallejo Game Air Gunmetal, detail picked out with Army Painter Plate Metal, then dry brushed with the same.

Well here is a quick picci he'll next appear in the completed forum.


Cheers Simon

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