PlanetFigure Supporter
OK then here I go again, back more comfortable ground of the Victorian.(ish) period British Army. This is one of four 2nd Afghan War figures I'm doing, the first is finished and was seen in my last thread. But as I promised an article for a friend to post in the BMSS Bulletin I won't put it up here till it has gone to press there.
This fella will be a Cpl in the 9th Lancers C.1880, it is based both on contemporary pictures seen in the Osprey "The British Army on Campaign 1816-1902 (3). Also on the late Sid Hortons model from his Chota Sahib range.
This is not my work, though I have painted it in the dim and distant past, I borrowed this image from one Francois Koestel fro Pintrest.
I made the figure in pretty much the same way as I did the Legionnaire and at the same time. I had a few disasters, first after sculpting the left arm I decided it was too short, so amputated at the elbow and tried to redo, unfortunately it wasn't working out so easily. So the whole arm came off and was remade in full. Then getting him ready to paint I snapped his right leg mid shin. A quick repair and he was ready to go.

As I usually do, after the disaster trying Tamiya Primer, I primed in auto gray primer.
Cheers Simon
This fella will be a Cpl in the 9th Lancers C.1880, it is based both on contemporary pictures seen in the Osprey "The British Army on Campaign 1816-1902 (3). Also on the late Sid Hortons model from his Chota Sahib range.

This is not my work, though I have painted it in the dim and distant past, I borrowed this image from one Francois Koestel fro Pintrest.
I made the figure in pretty much the same way as I did the Legionnaire and at the same time. I had a few disasters, first after sculpting the left arm I decided it was too short, so amputated at the elbow and tried to redo, unfortunately it wasn't working out so easily. So the whole arm came off and was remade in full. Then getting him ready to paint I snapped his right leg mid shin. A quick repair and he was ready to go.

As I usually do, after the disaster trying Tamiya Primer, I primed in auto gray primer.
Cheers Simon