Completed The Lord of Lion completed (1:10 bust from NutsPlanet)


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Hello, arxo, swralph, Rompy, Brian, Steve, Chris, Hugo, Billy, housecarl, Pedro, Ben, zane, Ski, Ulrich, Adrian, Marc and Captain Lol, thank all of you very much for your kind words. I am really glad that you like this piece. I will certainly continue to post here on PF when I have the chance to start painting the next miniature/bust in my gray army :) Much appreciated.
A quick tip, the red fabric is silk? For more silk effect you can add to the mix a few of metallic pigment, to get the peculiar bright of the fabric.
believe me, It will look great.
Fantastic work on the face, I like it a lot.
A quick tip, the red fabric is silk? For more silk effect you can add to the mix a few of metallic pigment, to get the peculiar bright of the fabric.
believe me, It will look great.
Fantastic work on the face, I like it a lot.
Thank you for your positive comment, saruxaxa. For this bust, the red cloak is just cloth not silk. Much appreciated for your tip sharing for painting silk. I haven't heard of that tip but it does sound very interesting and creative. I will certainly give it a try next time when I have a chance to paint silk.

BTW, I visited your blog site earlier today and find the content on it is very good. I like many of your projects shared on your blog site as well!
I hope your next project is the Jon Snow sculpt from the same company
Yes, Ben, I know that bust from Nutsplanet. It is also of very high sculpt quality from what I can see from the box art pictures, though I haven't bought it yet. The desired colors might be challenging because Jon Snow, as night's watch, has to be all dark from hair, cloth, to belt and cloak according to the settings in the HBO TV and the novel... Probably, I will consider ordering that bust in the future and take the challenge when having more time; but who knows.. Lol...:)