The Minuteman, 1775 - A.C.M.A.S. "I Normanni"


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Kazuc is quite entitled to voice his opinion and has given the reasons why he doesn't like the painting of the figure, what's so wrong with that?
I accept not everyone will agree with him but perhaps it would be more productive if the defenders of the piece stated what is so good about it rather than attacking Kazuc for daring to say what he think

I don't think anyone has said he's not entitled to an opinion have they?

It's not so much what he says as the way that he says it. There's nothing wrong with constructive criticism at all, but when a new member signs up and their first "contribution" is to come on here and start slagging stuff off, it tends to set off my "troll alarm".

- Steve
Probably not in so many words but some of the reactions I feel were a bit harsh to someone whose first language isn't English. Surely we're not saying if you can't speak English fluently don't post?
If someone's suspected as being a troll isn't it better just to ignore them than react and encourage them?
By the way, I like the figure and the painting of it, I just think everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Conversely, how would it be if folks shouldn´t say that a piece is well painted, or sculpted for that matter, until they can paint, or sculpt, to the same standard themselves?
I accept not everyone will agree with him but perhaps it would be more productive if the defenders of the piece stated what is so good about it rather than attacking Kazuc for daring to say what he thinks. Roger.

Fair point Roger, so I'll respond to Kazuc's comments below:

beautiful sculpture but
the paintis really bad,

What's "bad" about it? I wish I could shade and highlight as beautifully and subtly as that.

abrown colorthatwill be seen live orange

So you don't like the colour. Personal taste issue. I like the colour and I think it works well on this particular piece.

face without expression.

Can't agree at all. I think he looks quite thoughtful and pensive. Maybe contemplating whether he'll ever return to a peaceful life down on the farm.

rows on socks aregross and inaccurate

Really? Is our knowledge of "18th century sockwear" is so complete that we can categorically say that socks like that were never worn at that time and place? I'm no expert on men's antique hosiery, but they look plausible enough to me and as far as I'm concerned they work well. Nice muted colours, and the stripes look in proportion to me.

I think a paint factory

I think "superb paint job by highly talented artist".

Cartacci always does thesame things, repetitiveand boring

Like all painters, he has his own style. That is a charge that could be levelled at anyone. Why not show us some of yours Kazuc? I'm sure it would be an education.

The box art is not a nice business card

I can see them flying off the shelf.

- Steve
Conversely, how would it be if folks shouldn´t say that a piece is well painted, or sculpted for that matter, until they can paint, or sculpt, to the same standard themselves?

We all know film critics can't act and when did you hear Simon Cowell sing? :)
All I'm saying is that the poster in question was entitled to express his own opinion. Perhaps his ability to do so using English let him down but it should really have been left at that.
Fair point Roger, so I'll respond to Kazuc's comments below:

What's "bad" about it? I wish I could shade and highlight as beautifully and subtly as that.

So you don't like the colour. Personal taste issue. I like the colour and I think it works well on this particular piece.

Can't agree at all. I think he looks quite thoughtful and pensive. Maybe contemplating whether he'll ever return to a peaceful life down on the farm.

Really? Is our knowledge of "18th century sockwear" is so complete that we can categorically say that socks like that were never worn at that time and place? I'm no expert on men's antique hosiery, but they look plausible enough to me and as far as I'm concerned they work well. Nice muted colours, and the stripes look in proportion to me.

I think "superb paint job by highly talented artist".

Like all painters, he has his own style. That is a charge that could be levelled at anyone. Why not show us some of yours Kazuc? I'm sure it would be an education.

I can see them flying off the shelf.

- Steve

Steve, that was the kind of reply anyone disagreeing should have posted.

Dear friends, excuse me for my bad bad enghlish.
I'm the Ptesident of A.C.M.A.S. "I NORMANNI"....we are a CLUB we don't produce figurines. We have made only 200 Minuteman to help the show of Monreale wich the awards will be more than 10.000 euro!!....Only this....
I'm happy that you like the Minuteman that is a masterpice of sculpting and not important that a man don't like not important....
If you want more notices about the minuteman you can send a mail to:

Thank you for your attention
Enzo not important that a man don't like not important....
If you want more notices about the minuteman you can send a mail to:

It is not important Enzo you are right but it is important that he or anyone else is allowed to say so.
Anyway enough of that from me, good luck with the figure and the show although I don't think you need it I'm sure the figure... and the show, will do very well.

Excellent sculpt and paint, shame it's white metal, but you can't have everything.:)
I managed to get a moan it,;)
Hi Kazuc, I hope that this thread will not put you off posting in the future-it is good to hear and seek opinions just a pity about the language difficult which resulted in your words being blown out of all proportion. I think the figure has a wow factor probably because of the brave colour choice, one thing that I don't like is the over exaggerated veins in the hands. DC has his own distinct style and not everything he paints wins Gold Medals-how can it when he paints so much and so quickly. You are entitled to your opinion and I have given mine, having said that DC has done a lot to move the standards of painting forward and his book has proved an inspiration and guide to many aspiring painters.
PS I've just ordered mine;)
For someone who's first language is not English... He's done a damn fine job of slating a fine piece of work that certainly does not warrant words and terms such as 'gross, paint-factory, repetetive, boring, really bad, without expression' good going Kazuc, way to make friends!

Ernesto Reyes.... You could be right!
maybe my bad English has changed the way of what I meant
I apologize to everyone and especially with those who produced this soldier.
I only now realized that acmas is not a producer, I did not want to offend Mr. enzo.
I think the sculpture is very beautiful and interesting. I dont like the painting but I have much respect for who produce soldiers and work in this area.
excuse my excess, are new to the forum and do not know how well it works.
I have many friends in Italy and talking with them I realized that some concepts werea bit 'strong and rude. apologize to all. I'll try to be shorter in the comments
maybe what do you need is to think well before make those comments, even is your english is not good, you are a New member with a bad introduction. Is Ok if you don't like Cartacci's figures, but is not ok to say words like, bad painting, boring, gross, etc. Looks rude and bad critics, speacially for a painter like Cartacci, a big influence for many memebers of this forum, even me.
I see that there are many sensitive people
in russia we are much more spontaneous and the words do not hurt
I think it's better for me to stand on a Russian forum
We all know film critics can't act and when did you hear Simon Cowell sing? :)
All I'm saying is that the poster in question was entitled to express his own opinion. Perhaps his ability to do so using English let him down but it should really have been left at that.
Errrrr - Billy, you don´t seem to have understood that I´ve been making the same point, twice.
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