"Let Him Who is Without Sin
Cast the First Stone" said Jesus and not re-cast,

but that was the time of
forgivness such as the spirit of Christmas. Tony who started this thread said about bargain and cheap prices
and that companies make the hobby expensive... Life itself is unfair and unballanced especially when it comes
with desires, but recently good bargains came
(without illegal actions) such as MMM (Gordon Mitchel) on ebay
as "aspatriabruce" who gave us the oportunity with auction to buy the medal of honor series from starting price 9.99 BP , i thank him very much for this even i wasnt lucky

, and so many companies who make discounts.
Now, every company has the copyright of its property and everyone who wants to reproduce products needs the authorization and this is how it goes, its the market law and everything else is just opinions.
Bargains are everywhere in this life, the difference lies in everyone's eye.
Some say that our hobby is going to die because of recasters, everything dies in this world, we are mortal but
sometimes the latin phrase seems so powerful "ars longa vita brevis"means life is short art is long, art remains
years ago after the artist's death so nothing dies except if it is its time to die, but i expect many more from this
hobby and i thing it will last for long as long as sculptors have fantasy and companies give life to their
dreams. Answers were given about this to Ron Tamburinni's thread "Busted to death" with many opinions full of "inspiration"

. Our hobby is art, paints brushes giving life to pieces and this is something that makes you feel
calm and proud, it is time to concentrate to our colors and models, things that unite us and let the spirit of the days give us health inspiration and more talent (especially for me

Members of the planetfigure Jury, i rest my case.
Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to all with health and prosperity.