Although this is very realistic work I do think that this type of piece should not be on the planet, as there are a few kids who use this site, its hard enough protecting them from the after effects of an unneccessary war, without having to limit there viewing of a website dedicated to a hobby, that they wish to get into. It very hard to get the kids interested with the large amount of encouragement that is needed to bring kids into this hobby.
I do believe this is a little like showing a 10 year old a Horror movie. The movie business has to go through a classifcation system, surely this should be applied to such things as this as well. I am not trying to insult anybodys intelligence or antagonise, this is a well sculpted piece and painted extremely realistically, there is a place for models of this kind and unfortunately I dont think its on the planet, Fantasy is a very large part of this hobby and there are far more fantasy websites than figure websites, but I dont think this is even fantasy, this is Horror....
Sorry its a little too much for me.....