The Widow (Warning Bloody)


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Active Member
May 12, 2006

finished this fantastic bust from Mike Petryszak




thanks for looking
Although this is very realistic work I do think that this type of piece should not be on the planet, as there are a few kids who use this site, its hard enough protecting them from the after effects of an unneccessary war, without having to limit there viewing of a website dedicated to a hobby, that they wish to get into. It very hard to get the kids interested with the large amount of encouragement that is needed to bring kids into this hobby.

I do believe this is a little like showing a 10 year old a Horror movie. The movie business has to go through a classifcation system, surely this should be applied to such things as this as well. I am not trying to insult anybodys intelligence or antagonise, this is a well sculpted piece and painted extremely realistically, there is a place for models of this kind and unfortunately I dont think its on the planet, Fantasy is a very large part of this hobby and there are far more fantasy websites than figure websites, but I dont think this is even fantasy, this is Horror....

Sorry its a little too much for me.....

Dave, since you precluded your private message with this post publicly I will respond in kind:
We [planetFigure] have done so far great efforts to police ourselves and Bernd has done all of us a service and put a disclaimer on his title, which in this case is the proper thing to do (namely for those of us who are at work and children)

Summarily, I do not and nor has anyone that I recall branded planetFigure exclusive to militaria; all fantasy, war-gaming, flats, classical and garage kits are welcome here ergo the name "planetFigure"
hello friend

thanks for the coments ;)

the blood is a mix from tamiya "clear red" "smoke" "yellow clear" and "blue clear"

sorry for the bad english :(

greetings to germany
One of your best paintings so far! This Bust is terribly good sculpted and more than lifelike painted!! Strong but ultragood!!


PS. I for myself do not think that kids must be "protected" from pics like that! In times, where kids can buy ultaviolent PC games, can smoke, consume alcohol and having information about whats going on in a world with war in a lot of countries, seeing more than bloody pics in the News, pics like the above are nothing to be scared of!
While I can appreciate the realism in which the piece has been done, I can at the same time understand one's concern that a young person could easily view the piece. While I believe that sites should exercise some responsibility, the bulk of it rests with the parents. If you let little 8 year old Johnny or Mary surf the net unsupervised then don't get bent out of shape when they're viewing content that you find unacceptable for children. Sit with your kid, or at least give the site or recent postings a once over, keeping an eye out for postings with disclaimers (like this one has). We all share in the repsonsibility to a certain degree.~Gary
Not my cuppa tea but I sure can appreciate a great sculpt and painting.

I tend to echo Gary's comments. I have a 14 and 11 year old boys. If it was up to them they'd be playing Grand Theft Auto and watching Blackhawk Down 24/7.

Heck, I don't even let them look at my HM and Figurines mags.

Thats a very interesting piece, classic and very disturbing, but I like it, brilliantly painted as well.

Gary - I agree with your comments completely, responsibility for the viewing of this kind of thing is both down to the website and the viewing public, child or parental, but I understand the points given and choose to only give the above opinion


I found that this bust is not so realistic , the sale is very big , so you can do a realisticer job on such a miniature . I think that it miss a lot of light and shadow on the skin and a lot of colors to be very realistic .
Hi Romain!

Maybe you show us some of your paint ups, which are looking more realistic? I am very interested in seeing them, because I cannot learn enough!

And to see work from such a Master like you seem to be must be breathtaking!!


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