Haa ha haaaaaaaa
Oh my Gordy:
Ain't it da truth. All those years in the newpaper biz. Whoa I had some
major typo problems that really got the local paper readers all stirred up.
Proof read, proof read, proof read. Ha ha. . . . Most people have no idea. On
TV the mistake is gone in an instant. But when the typo is on some printed
or stenciled matter, it is there for them to hold up in your face, and point to
for as long as they live. Wow, does your point bring back nightmares.
Once while at The Miami Herald, I was doing a map on deadline, and it was
of south Florida and the coast line. I mistakenly put the label "out in the
ocean" to the east as "Pacific Ocean" and 4 other editors who looked at it
before press time missed it, and I missed it too. Whoa, Nellie. what an
embarrassment. Won't bore you with how that happened. Had to do with
having a lot of the bodies of water all ready in cold type to use when ever
I needed them, and I picked the wrong one in my haste to meet the dead-

Been there, done that, and . . . drum roll please. . . bought the