Toad in the Mud - 58 mm Trench Mortar


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Jan 5, 2018
Finished this one off. A very simple setting, the mortar and the two figures amidst the mud of the trenches in 1916/17. The mortar is straight OOB, I scratchbuilt a wood plank base edged with metal (from lead foil) with a few bolts to hold the metal in place. Which of course you can't see as it is mostly covered in mud.

I built up the basic mud shape using VMS "Smart Mud". Although I don't often use commercial products like this, I did find it useful in building up the basic groundwork shape. It's easy to work, holds its shape well and allows you to build up contours without having to use polystyrene foam shapes. Dries rock solid overnight. Quite a useful product, although I would not leave it in its bare state. I covered it with a mix of pigments, white glue and soil of varying grades from my garden. The groundwork was painted with many layers of oil paints.

The only addition to the figures from my WIP thread was weathering and mud stains along with some pipe smoke for the chap with the pipe. It turned out quite well, always areas for improvement but overall I am pretty happy with it.





That's a pretty extreme close up at the end......:eek:
Hi Nigel

That's a lovely result, liking the not overworked weathering and the ie smoke

Nice muddy base which highlights the conditions and the painting on figures

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Thanks for sharing

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

. It turned out quite well, always areas for improvement but overall I am pretty happy with it.


And you should. I am really impressed by the overall visual look of it all. The blues and browns work really well. Terrific choice to leave the groundwork empty except for the figures and the toad.

Congratulations and compliments on this great vignette.
Thanks for the kind words Kev, Malc, RJ and Neil, much appreciated.

Terrific choice to leave the groundwork empty except for the figures and the toad.
I must admit that was largely down to laziness on my part, I wanted this to be a quick project and therefore didn't want to try to build a trench section..... Glad you think it worked out ok (y)
Excellent work. Very sharp painting, nice colours and very convicing groundwork!
Still in admiration of the very sharp catchlights in the eyes...

Thanks very much Ken, Mobo and Adrian (y)

Still in admiration of the very sharp catchlights in the eyes...
Here's my little secret - I paint the eyes in acrylics and use the point of a pin dipped in white oil paint to place the catchlights. If you get it wrong you can clean the failed attempt off with thinner and try again. It also helps if you have a good sculpt with well defined eyes. These were a joy to work with.
Came out really well Nigel.
Especially liking that Bleu Horizon uniforms & mud with weathering. Very effective.
What are you most happy with on this project?
Thanks David, Mike and Warren, really appreciate the kind comments.

Came out really well Nigel.
Especially liking that Bleu Horizon uniforms & mud with weathering. Very effective.
What are you most happy with on this project?
The tips in your book were very helpful regarding the Bleu Horizon. I used the AK 2nd WWI French paint set and painted from a dark background, which helps prevent the uniform getting too bright. Not something I'd tried before.

What am I most happy with? I think the way the uniform shading/highlights came together, especially on the right leg of the guy leaning on the toad. I also tried veins on the hands for the first time and I think that worked ok, it definitely adds a bit more visual interest. Hands have been something I've struggled with in the past.

I'm fairly confident now on working with dark colours. My next step is to paint some Napoleonics and handle the shading of whites and light colours. Not something I've had to do with WWI figures.....