Today's postman brought.....


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Here's the full and complete list from an Australian collector site.
No ISbn nos. though, so sorry guys.

Warriors & Weapons 3000BC-1700AD
Army Uniforms of World War 1
Army Uniforms of World War 2
Army Uniforms since 1945
World Army Uniforms since 1939
Army Badges & Insignia of World War 2 (Gt Britain etc)
Army Badges & Insignia of World War 2 Book 2 (Canada etc)
Army Badges & Insignia since 1945 Book 1 (Gt Britain etc)
Cavalry Uniforms of Britain & the Commonwealth
German Uniforms of the Third Reich 1933-45
Infantry Uniforms 1742-1855
Infantry Uniforms Book 2 1855-1939
Military Uniforms of the world
Naval, Marine & Air Force Uniforms of World War 2
Uniforms of the American Revolution
Uniforms of the American Civil War
Uniforms of the Seven Year War 1756-63
Uniforms of the Peninsular War 1807-14
Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars
Uniforms of the Battle of Waterloo
Uniforms of the Retreat from Moscow
Uniforms of the Indo-China & Vietnam Wars
Uniforms of the Elite Forces
Uniforms of the Soldiers of Fortune
World Uniforms & Battles 1815-50
Orders, Medals & Decorations of Britain & Europe
Ribbons of Orders, Medals & Decorations
Parachute Badges & Insignia of the World
Naval & Marine Badges & Insignia of World War 2
Badges & Insignia of the Third Reich
Military Flags of the World 1618-1900

Graham you should have titled this thread "Make the others jealous", because I sure am! The CGS busts are pure awesomness!

Wise choice on the first of the 'Silver Series' title. I'll bet you are on the hunt for the others. Let me guess, 'Waterloo Men' is next right?

What is it with figure painters having dodgy knees?
I'm waiting to have both replaced, but they won't be doing it til they get a lot worse.
I'm not aloud to run either, not even for a bus. Like the idea of roller skates.

Perhaps all figure painters with good knees should take warning!!! Seriously though, as you guys are well aware, it is a miserable thing to put up with but chin up, we can paint sat down even if we have to keep getting up to stretch a bit. :)
And the last of the three books I ordered last week has arrived :). My 'Library' does not justify a shelf yet but it is three more than I had a week ago lol.

Had to get one of these MiniArt kits once I found out about them. Thought this one would be interesting due to the predominantly white uniform. Spray it white, chuck a bit of red on and Bob's your Uncle....... Might be a tad trickier than that me thinks......

Had to get one of these MiniArt kits once I found out about them. Thought this one would be interesting due to the predominantly white uniform. Spray it white, chuck a bit of red on and Bob's your Uncle....... Might be a tad trickier than that me thinks......

The only real problem graham is the rucksack and cartridge pouch have no back on them.
I chopped up some lenghts of sprue soaked them in liquid cement and '1/2 flled the pack with them ,
when dry I added milliput, and while damp, pressed it onto the surface of his back which was covere
d in talc dusted clingfilm.
Hey presto, the right coountrs to fit across the cross straps and soft enough to add a bit of texture,
Good fun though
I must be learning sublimely Paul as last night I filled the cartridge box with milliput and did just that :) the backpack doesn't go together very well so I have put milliput inside against the back of the joins to give it some support and a backing for a bit of filler that will be needed. Once this is dry I will look at making it fit with a solid back.

To be honest, this figure is a bit like me in Top Shop.... Nothing fits! ;) the joints between the lower leg and knee are as dodgy as mine but I think I have got them together close enough to finish with some fine filler. Same with the head to body joint.

However, I am slowly getting it ready for a final clean up and a test spray of primer to check out the joins. Proper modelling ;)
Graham! Don't buy him one .. please. Because you know what will happen.
View attachment 199820....:eek::stop:

Ezaxtly correct. See what happens !

YOU borrow it

YOU get make up all over it, (see selfie attached above )

You lose the chinscales., because they are :-
"too rough on mein chinny chin"

AND you blamed Borat.

Now i need a new one...... Beatch !

Don't even start me .....girlfriend !!!!

Don't even like the blonde wig it's so last squirrel.
