Today's postman brought.....


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My postman told me there was a show on at Stoke-on-trent, so I went and met a very fine gentleman called
Martyn who took my order for a Harry Giggins Marauder.
I was then given a complete spares box collection of Historex and Airfix bits too !
Yaaay !:)
A happy Paul
Speaking as Mr. Giggins alter ego, and not wishing to be caught hauling like a brooligan, well done on the spares box and I hope you enjoy the Marauder (y).
Best wishes, Gary.
Evening all. My tactics worked and they sent me home!!! Op was a success and I recovered enough to be sent packing - a few days recuperating now so some bench time and film watching ahead as I'm not supposed to do much for the next week or so... And I will order some get well presents for myself! I think I'm also going to sleep a bit too.

Oh yeah apart from an ability to get my nose to bleed at will one nurse was a nice pierced biker babe type...

Beware world I'm back without eye or face pain and no headache...


Glad you're OK Huw, is this resting business due to the op. or the chasing of nurses? You'll have to let us know what get well presents the postman brings (y).
Best wishes, Gary.
Dear Mr Giggins I would like to point out to you that that tight sod peedee only ordered a copy of the marauder whereas I actually bought one.

Mmm I just got these today you see Tom,
Glad you're OK Huw, is this resting business due to the op. or the chasing of nurses? You'll have to let us know what get well presents the postman brings (y).
Best wishes, Gary.

Thanks Gary. It's due to the medication that I'm on - sadly I was too out of it for much in the way of chasing...


Dear Mr Giggins I would like to point out to you that that tight sod peedee only ordered a copy of the marauder whereas I actually bought one.
I see that dyslexia's catching, you and Peedee are both one letter out............:( Oh well Que Sera Sera etc:).
Regarding the Marauder, I hope you both enjoy him :). Actually, he's off the first ship, BTW did you know about the Viking ship system?.............
It's a little known fact that they usually carried out their raids in tight squadrons of three ships. the first ship would charge up to the beach,and the Vikings would jump over the side and rush into the attack screaming Murder and mayhem, the second ships company would charge into the attack yelling Pillage and Plunder, and about an hour later the third ship would limp up to the beach, the ships company would fall over the side and crawl (cautiously by Odin) slowly up the beach crying Oh God nooooo, not rape again!!!!!!!!!:whistle::). Sorry guys, shaggy dog story.
A bit short on heads Paul. What scale are the specs? from Historex?

Got loads of heads Tom, some new in packets, and some in dettol :)
Airfix multipose heads are in Box 1, and the other metal ones are in spares box 3 I didn't photograph
them, that's just showing off !

Specs, 1/35th scale from Hannants post free, you pay more from Dover and then the postage on top.

(I'm making Barry a figure of Percy Hobart to go with all his 79th Armoured funnies, say nowt he doesn't know).

PercyHobart%202.jpg percy%20hobart%201.jpg