Hi Jason
No problem, I used the Orc as an example.
Up until now I haven't seen any really good human forms in 3d but not saying they aren't out there.
I realise the computer does what it is told and understand everything else you have mentioned.
Many of the sculpts I see, on here mainly, all have perfect symmetry but you can prove me wrong and as said I may have not looked properly.
The rendering is a completely different topic as I see some benefits and some hurdles there as I cast myself, but that is another topic as said.
Ignoring the fact I like traditional sculpts as a personal choice, the question that keeps coming up is if digital sculpting is replacing the more common and when looking at some digital sculpts I do see them precise but generally, and there are exceptions, less alive than those made by human hands ie symmetry and false creases etc but as said, that may be down to me not looking at the correct sculpts. That answers the question that for every good digital sculptor there will still be equally as good traditional sculptors and I think they will run alongside each other, eventually.
I did say that my preference was sculpting by hand ( manually with putty and hands) but that is just me snd my opinion.
I also have said numerous times that both fields require knowledge and skill and then applied, but differently.
At present, the result direct from hand to finish piece, to me brings a quality that I prefer and feel is better than from hand to finished piece via machine, lets face it most of us find it easier to tell our hands what to do than a computer, a reason why we give so much expression by hand using our hands in conversation.
3d pieces are great, as mentioned before, but at present I prefer to invest in traditional hand sculpted pieces and masters and I certainly will continue to commission these in the future as I appreciate them for what they are.
That is not to say I wouldn't try the dark side

but it would still not replace my respect and preference for original hand sculpts ( MEANING DIRECTLY SCUPLTED BY HAND RATHER THAN BEING DESIGNED BY COMPUTER USING HANDS OR LIMBS)
As said that is all just my choice, think I have said enough now so will leave this thread for others to comment.
Best wishes