TW54C01 - Trooper, 9th (Queens Royal) Lancers, Elouges 1914


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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. the Romans said on Hadrians wall...Noli Illigitmi Carborundum (don't let the Bastards Grind you down LOL) mate.....this is a great figure and you'd be mad to pull it .....I bought this when first released so would love the update if possible......all the best...Kevin
Cheers Kev

Nah, I'm not going to pull it. There was a bit of an issue Saturday. I think some people took issue with something else and it all kicked off. I had six fairly vocal objections to said issue on social media and email Saturday afternoon and night. Although it didn't bother me too much I had a bit of a restless night thinking how to answer them, then woke up a bit grumpy yesterday. But it was only for a couple of hours and I was back to normal again :) Even more grumpy! LOL ;)

I think I put a few noses out of joint last week over something else. ;)

But all fine now.

In fact I might head over and wind them up a bit more

The irony is, the update set has been planned for a couple of weeks now, I've just been putting all the parts together. Personally, and without my Tommy's War head on, I think the Lancer is great. I started to put one together for Figureworld and its a lovely figure

Anyway, three new releases soon, and they are really exciting. I saw Alex's progress on the bust box art yesterday and that cheered me up no end :)

Yes, I'll get your update out soon. The photo-etch is due tomorrow and the water bottle soon. Tomorrow night I'll fix the PE bit and photograph it and write the instructions.
As they said in an ancient text on the day of the crucifixion - Always Look on the Bri-ight Side of life....

You put out such quality and your customer service is exceptional. And you are is too short for such matters.

We shall overcome.
Darren your a true gent!

Think Brian has got it spot on Darren.

From what i can see, you have been upfront about the kit starting from when the first kits were sent out re the lance instructions. Downloaded mine from your website, took all of about 10seconds. Don't understand why people have a problem with your honesty and first class customer service. They seem to be forgetting that they have a great kit that has been both sculpted and cast very well indeed. I dont buy that scale but this was one of those kits that i was drawn to immediatly. Even my other half likes it.

Would it be possible for me to collect the update at Euro?
I crashed into a dwarf the other day - he got out of his car and came rushing up and said "I am not happy!"

I asked "Well which one are you then?"
I just had to add some comments about the excellent customer service by Tommy's War. I received the email newsletter concerning this figure and was blown away by Darren's response to the so called, "problems" that the figure supposedly had. Well done sir, your solution is a shining example of true customer service. (y)(y) I am also very impressed with this figure and as of now, have never even attempted to paint a mounted figure. I will have to give this some serious thought and I will contemplate getting this later this month. Not just for the update set that goes with it, but my credit card lies bloody and beaten from the purchases I recently made,:rolleyes::eek:
So 100 years ago today was the last Lance on Lance cavalry action, so I read in the Telegraphy newspaper! Thanks to Darren's great figure I know the Queen's Royal Lancers were on one side but can any one tell me was it a Ulan reg't they were up against or another German cavalry? It appears the Tommy's referred to all German Cavalry as Ulans! Plus are there any figures avaiable that represent the German cavalry on this fateful day?
I believe it was the 2nd Guard Dragoons (not to be confused with Dragoon Guards :)) All German cavalry regiments carried a steel lance in 1914, hence the confusion at the time.

I've been able to complete the instruction sheet for the additional lancer parts (bit and rein).

These can be downloaded as a free PDF from The 4 page pdf consists of 2 full pages of illustrated instructions and a page then of a display set from a very kind enthusiast who allowed Günther to photograph him and his horse with full kit.


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