Tommys War
A Fixture
Title: Trooper, 9th (Queens Royal) Lancers, Elouges 1914
Scale: 54mm (1/32 scale)
Material: Resin (with brass rod for lance and photo etch for pennon)
Sculptor: Nino Pizzichemi (both horse and rider)
Box art: Günther Sternberg
Price: £30.00 (direct, may vary at international stockists)
The lance is supplied as brass rod with resin ends. The pennon (not shown in the box art) is supplied as photo-etch. The final result is a scale 9' Pattern 1894 lance as used throughout the period.
Available from: (a full list of international stockists is available at that website).
I also want to add massive thank you's to both Steve Readdie and Jon Page for their help and assistance with putting the lance together - thanks guys
Scale: 54mm (1/32 scale)
Material: Resin (with brass rod for lance and photo etch for pennon)
Sculptor: Nino Pizzichemi (both horse and rider)
Box art: Günther Sternberg
Price: £30.00 (direct, may vary at international stockists)
The lance is supplied as brass rod with resin ends. The pennon (not shown in the box art) is supplied as photo-etch. The final result is a scale 9' Pattern 1894 lance as used throughout the period.
Available from: (a full list of international stockists is available at that website).
I also want to add massive thank you's to both Steve Readdie and Jon Page for their help and assistance with putting the lance together - thanks guys