uniform help needed....Berezina.


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A Fixture
Sep 16, 2013
Hello my Friends.
I'll be starting this in a few days and I need some help with the uniform of the person in the water grabbing on to the woman's dress.
All the best.
Hi Raplh

Looking at it it's pretty open , epaulettes ,,sleeve , imperial Gd grenadier , line infantry

That looks like it could be based on a picture ?

Can you see the front of the figure

Nice grouping as well

In the painting is a red Lancer in reproduction is either the first or the third regiment because of N on caparisoned.(Except in Bucquoy boards also present for the second regiment) Or am I wrong?

to me at first impression would identify him as belonging to the body of the grenadiers (old guard because of showy mustache) but not necessarily French. if I remember well the Swiss had the same cuffs and even some departments of the Confederation of the Rhine
From memory, only an impression, and I do not remember all of the departments on

sorry for the English if incorrect
Hi Raplh

Looking at it it's pretty open , epaulettes ,,sleeve , imperial Gd grenadier , line infantry

That looks like it could be based on a picture ?

Can you see the front of the figure

Nice grouping as well

Hi Nap.
It is based on a picture.
Could you point me towards any pics of the uniform.
without any doubt is 2nd dutch lancer regiment nickamed red lancers.

Some datails aren't correct as the cartrige pouch on the belt. No details come from the old guard grenadier
A big thanks for the info guys(y) .
I think I have it worked out now.
French Imperial Guard Grenadier!.
without any doubt is 2nd dutch lancer regiment nickamed red lancers.

Some datails aren't correct as the cartrige pouch on the belt. No details come from the old guard grenadier

Ivo sorry I do not understand English and google may have mistranslated; just to learn, but from what we can deduce from the picture which is the 2nd regiment?

in italiano... credo sia meglio e piu chiaro o sbaglio
lanc rossi (1).jpg

il dipinto originale mostra chiaramente un lancere con kurtha rossa e rivolti blu. SOLO il 2nd reggimento portava questi colori.
Gli errori? la N coronata sulla gualdrappa nella scultura e la cartuccera alla cintura nel quadro.
Non può essere un granatiere della guardia. Non sarebbe stato capace ad usare la lancia e non ha senso un fante a cavallo. Oltre al fatto che non c'è nulla che corrisponde da un punto di vista uniformologico

the original painting shows clearly a lancers with red and blue facing Kurtha. ONLY the 2nd regiment wore these colors.
Mistakes? N crowned on saddle clth in sculpture and cartridge belt on his belt.
It can not be a grenadier of the guard. He would not have been able to use the spear and does not make sense a mounted foot soldier.
Besides the fact that nothing that corresponds on the uniform cut
Ivo ti rispondo in italiano, so benissimo che il dipinto da te postato è del 2° (tant'è che una immagine da te postatta credo sia stata presa dal mio blog e poi ripubblicata su pinterest o altri siti, almeno sembra dalla scansione ). così come ho scritto che la N è sbagliata
io parlo del pezzo scolpito.... come fai a dire che è del 2°

Io, avendo la N scolpita, lo dipingerei come lanciere del 1°
La domanda iniziale , almeno è quello che ho capito, si riferiva al soldato in acqua..
Per via dei baffoni l'uomo lo inquadrerei come granatiere della vecchia guardia
ma ci potrebbero essere anche altre ipotesi

Quindi, ti ripongo la domanda.
Dalla foto del modello da cosa deduci che il lanciere è del 2° reggimento?
Chi rappresenta il soldato in acqua?

Google traslator:
Ivo answer you in Italian, I know that the picture you posted is the 2nd.(So much so that an image you posted I was taken from my blog and then republished on pinterest or other sites, at least it seems from the scan) as I wrote that the N is wrong
I speak of the sculpted piece .... how do you say it is the 2nd

I, having the N-carved, I would paint as a lancer of the 1st
The initial question, at least is what I understood, was referring to the soldier in the water ..
Because of the mustache man the frame as a grenadier of the Old Guard
but there could also be other hypotheses

So, I put the question to you.
From the picture of the model to what you deduce that the Lancer is the 2nd regiment?
Who is the soldier in the water?
ops... non ho capito nulla io...

probabilmente quello in acqua è un appartenente alla guardia ... fanteria probabilmente. L'unica cosa che può aiutare ad identificare è la patta de
i paramani a tre punte. Per il resto mi sembra un soggetto molto fantasy dove lo scultore ha fatto qualcosa che assomigliasse a qualcosaltro

ops I don't understand the original question... the man in the water seems a guard infantry but the details ( extremely oversized) that can help to identify are the cuffs with three pointsis.
other details seem somenthing closer to an uniform
Thanks Ivo.

As for the painting it seems to me that the cartridge belt is only slipped forward and not brought to the belt, but I could be wrong.

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