PlanetFigure Supporter
Ray,Originally posted by Ray@Jun 12 2006, 02:10 PM
As far as being satisfied with this figure, well I'm not, nor was I before, it is not the masterpiece I crave (doubtful I'll ever achieve this state of excellence, but the desire does keep me trying). :lol: Still it is a fair representation, in my view, of the type of person I wanted to model.
The most important thing to me concerning this thread is that it was information, interesting, and fun, even if a little frustrating at times, (most because of my struggle with trying to explain the thing without the necessary photo's).
The sculpting is well done. Keep pluggung away.
I still think it was a great thread that got a lot of folks involved, even though there was some misundertsnading in regards to the pose/concept of your figure. It's participation like this that was more commonplace on PF not too long ago. It would be great to see it reppear with regularity.~Gary