PlanetFigure Supporter
UMC iwo jima
Thanks guys for your coments,i have taken on board all your coments and i have decided to re-paint the helmet and rolled poncho, will be completing these soon,hopefully!please hopefully they will turn out ok,this is the first time i've had to make so many changes to a piece but as i said at the very begining of this post the pacific theartre of war is a bit alien to me and this has caught me out badly with this bust,i'm normally quite thourgh in my research when i paint figures but this proves if the research is not right you will be found out.
Stevie - the item of colour under the poncho i've depicted as the stars and stripes,i saw on some recent documentries on sky that some of the marines that landed on iwo jima actually had these in their ruck sacks to place on the island when specific objectives had been achieved,paticualy on mount surabachi.
Once again many thanks to my fellow modelers for all your help.
Thanks guys for your coments,i have taken on board all your coments and i have decided to re-paint the helmet and rolled poncho, will be completing these soon,hopefully!please hopefully they will turn out ok,this is the first time i've had to make so many changes to a piece but as i said at the very begining of this post the pacific theartre of war is a bit alien to me and this has caught me out badly with this bust,i'm normally quite thourgh in my research when i paint figures but this proves if the research is not right you will be found out.
Stevie - the item of colour under the poncho i've depicted as the stars and stripes,i saw on some recent documentries on sky that some of the marines that landed on iwo jima actually had these in their ruck sacks to place on the island when specific objectives had been achieved,paticualy on mount surabachi.
Once again many thanks to my fellow modelers for all your help.