Vallejo doesnt seem to like me?:(


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
Hi Figureteers!

I did some trials with Vallejo this evening. It didnt work out well.
First I put on a coat, which was a bit transparent. Then after half an hour I went for the second to make it cover.

What happend was that the first coat cracked or peeled of like skin? :eek:

I tried first paint diluted with water, then not diluted at all. Also tried on white foundation with the same result.

Superman save me................... :(
May be you did not adequately mix the paint in the bottle? I have found that Vallejo and Andrea's require very vigorous shaking in order to get the pigment and carrier thoroughy mixed.

???? :(

Sounds like the paint wasn't bonding to the surface Janne, what were you painting on - a primer, bare metal or resin?

BTW, if you have a hairdryer there's no need to wait for the paint to dry naturally - if you like you can paint, speed-dry, paint, speed-dry and so on as many times as you wish. If you use a good absorbent primer though you should be able to see a coat of acrylic or vinyl paint dry in front of your eyes, fast enough that one leg of a 54mm figure will be mostly dry before you've finished the second.

Hello Janne

Did you visit this website from vallejo. Go to model color and than to figure
painting with acrylics
Also it seems that your figure was not cleaned up with water and dish-soap. Than
your figure is to fat and the paint is not attach to the figure and come out like skin.
Also never touch your figure with your hands because of the fat on your hands.
I hope this will help you.

Greetings Dick ;)
Thanks for the answers.

Being at work I have little time do develop this further. Ill get back later today.
I was mainly applying the paint and primer on glass which I have as a protection for my desk.

Ill give it another try this evening and get back. Now, where am I gonna get me a hairdryer, Ill guess the clerk would look suspicious at me. :eek:

Originally posted by Einion@Aug 22 2005, 05:41 PM
If you use a good absorbent primer though you should be able to see a coat of acrylic or vinyl paint dry in front of your eyes, fast enough that one leg of a 54mm figure will be mostly dry before you've finished the second.

Nothing more exciting than watching paint dry huh? :lol: Just kidding, that's a good tip and i'll try it out myself.