Completed Critique very irritated Viking


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A Fixture
Mar 30, 2009
Tulsa, OK
Trying to finish up a half dozen or so WIP's. This of course is "viking fury" by Andrea and is my second attempt at him. I tried something different with this guy, I painted him to completiton with acrylics then added a very small amount of oil color to certain places. The pictures are all supersized so when you click on them they will blow up big for a better look at him (especially the first one) he doesn't look as over exposed in these larger pictures. Please let me know what you think of him. thanks for looking!




Excellent work!
Love the way you handled the hair and inside the mouth.
The eyes are awesome, too.
Well it seems to me you really enjoyed this one Mike. The eyes are catching the attention right away as they should in this bust. Fleshtones are excellent as are hair-beard and the chainmail. Your best work so far IMO.My compliments.
Thanks Taesung and Dimitri. Thanks for the flesh tone compliment Dimitri, I used your flesh mix of Josonja so I thank you for sharing that mix in your SBS!
Well it seems to me you really enjoyed this one Mike. The eyes are catching the attention right away as they should in this bust. Fleshtones are excellent as are hair-beard and the chainmail. Your best work so far IMO.My compliments.
I'll second that.
Finally, this bust is starting to gain more in my estimation as I see previously coated so beautiful.
Is amazing!!

This sure is an impressive and popular bust.
You did it justice Mike.
Somehow you have reached a greyish/bleak overall colour tone; it may just be the pictures, but I think it suits this subject very well.
You're definitely on a steep learning curve and on your way to lofty heights!

Drop dead gorgeous. There is no doubting the rage running thru his blood!

I envy every painter who has done this bust. It must feel so high rendering this face.
Another nice looking version of this bust Mike.

I like the way you created two various metallic effects between the mail and the helm to add contrast and the splash of green works really well to break up the colours.
I think your painting has really developed well over the last year and cant wait to see what you will be doing this time next year.

Wow, thank you so much for the kind words guys. I am really glad you like the bust. Gordy i'm glad you like the base, this is another base from the Hussar in Tulsa, they are really doing some cool and original stuff with bases. Lee thanks for the compliment and good to see you out and about. Simon; the chain mail was amazingly simple, mainly because of the superb casting and sculpting. All I did was base coat in a black/brown then brush the rings with old silver then a high highlite of andrea gun metal which is a very bright silver. After that I go back in and shade from the lower portion of the bust up and darken any folds of the metal with vandyke brown. Adrian; the gray color is in there, I'm glad you could see it. This is a Dimitri trick of adding a little more pthalo green to the shadow portion of the flesh mix. The more I have read about painting flesh the more I find that cool colors like greens and blues are always present in realistic flesh. Marc, Guy, Mr. Barton Alexandros Pedro, Tony, Steve, Eddy, Tse and Steve R., Thank you all so much for the feedback. It is good to be pulling out of my painting rut and you guys give the inspiration to keep painting by giving guys like me the chance to see your works on the Planet.