Guys, Thanks for the kind words. This project is finally winding down although it seems I run out of steam when at the tail end of most projects. The next few pics show some of the details I'm adding to wrap it up.~Gary
There are also tassells on the ends of the tape that decorates the front of the coat. I have since added an additional layer of putty over top of each one to make them pop out more.
Here is the cockade that is on the side of the helmet. Though not picture I have added a button to the center of the cockade. I decided to give him a hairstyle that was worn by light infantry soldiers of the period. The hair has been braided and secured under the cap.
Hello Gary...the little tassells and tape details are looking very nice..and the hat is very attractive...but that hair-style...with the braiding secured under the hat...that's lovely...a very distinctive period addition..nice one.
Roy, Thanks. The photos are not that good and I'll shoot some more once I've done the multitude of buttons. Right now I'm trying to focus on getting him done so I can make more headway on the sbs figure.~Gary
Thanks for looking I appreciate it. There are some things I wish I would have done differently, but it's all a part of an ongoing learning process.~Gar