W.I.P. Seil Model 54mm Roman Centurion


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A Fixture
Feb 20, 2007
Electric Ladyland
Its been awhile since I was here last which was due to me needin' a long break from figures, and even jus' lookin' at 'em too!
To tell you the truth I haven't even been in touch with whats new out on the market either, but it was only yesterday that I tried to visit Seil Model's site to see what new things they might have on offer.

Sadly, I couldn't and I eventually found out why.

I couldn't believe it, the quality of figures that they offered was outstandin' and really inspirin' to paint. So its really sad to see this happen.

Anyway, I decided upon paintin' this dude up. To me its a quality figure in all departments.


I am always amazed with your figures, especially because of the black primer.

I have been tempted to use your method but I cannot find a black primer that is stable out of the can!

Hi Paul

Nice to see you back mate, your short break has not affected the quality of your great painting skills, very nice start to your latest figure, I will be folowing the progress on this one.
Wow, looking great so far. I like what you've done with your red. I just got two Seil figures in the mail yesterday. Both are pre-paints. I got the Crossbowman with that big shield anchored in front of him and The Last Crusader. I got them because of the pricing at Squadron, they are closing out the Seil stuff. The Crossbowman was if I remember, 418.00 USD and they had it on sale for 139.00 USD. From what they said, I got the last one. It's painted very nicely, I just wish that it had a wee bit more highlights. The Last Crusader is flawless... stunning.

welcome back Paul

i'm very happy to show your work again

can you tell us how you make your red tunic and leather ?

Thanks guys.

Dom, the pteruges were basecoated in Vallejo 814 Burnt Cadmium Red, then shaded in oil usin' a mix of Cadmium Dark Red and Lamp Black and highlighted with a mix of Cadmium Dark red and Yellow Naples Hue.
The tunic was basecoated in Vallejo 946 Dark Red, and then shaded with the same mix as above, and then subtly highlighted with Cadmium Light Red.
thanks for your reply Paul

I see you always use your mix technique of acrylic and oil !
very interesting ...
you dont have any difference of satin or mat effect between acrylic and oil ?
do you dilute your oil ?


Thanks guys.

Dom, the pteruges were basecoated in Vallejo 814 Burnt Cadmium Red, then shaded in oil usin' a mix of Cadmium Dark Red and Lamp Black and highlighted with a mix of Cadmium Dark red and Yellow Naples Hue.
The tunic was basecoated in Vallejo 946 Dark Red, and then shaded with the same mix as above, and then subtly highlighted with Cadmium Light Red.
Thanks guys.

Jus' got a few more things done on him. I'm quite surprised to see how quickly this figure can be painted, they're are not that many different elements on him to be painted, but he's bristlin' with detail.


Thanks, 'Bad'.

I have the flesh painted in now, but i've forgot to paint his 'rod of command', or whatever its called.

I had a Rod of Commanding once in AD&D, oh the memories of my roleplayin' years durin' my youth hahaha.

The cloak will be weathered or dusted down at the very bottom of it, with some pigments after i've chosen the colour for the groundwork.




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