My favourite magazine Ron.As a fellow oil painter I can find something I can utilise and add to my repertoire.Chaos Black I use for base coating armour as it dries with a slight sheen and it's great for spraying crappy bases,nice finish!The Figurine magazine is one of the best out there and although I can read a wee bit of French it would be great if it was in English.Someone stated that they don't have to, but they surely would sell more copies as English is the second language in the world for most people where French isn't.That's just a fact, and I personally think it's a commercial faux pas by the magazine.Spot the French term for f*** upWhat in the blue blazes is "chaos black"?
Is there cosmos white to balance it out?
So many questions - may add a few more????????
I know where your coming from Ron and it can be frustrating but try and develop your own technique that you personally like and it'll all come together.Yer only needing fine tuning as I happen to like your figures.