A Fixture
Thank you everyone, I dislike change also (especially when I need to do it!
The old vBulletin 3 forum software is over 3 years old and not getting updates or features for it. vBulletin version 4 was not an option, vB4 is a bug infested shell of it's former self, not to mention I have politcal reasons against it.
It was a grueling feat to move all the data from vBulletin to Xenforo, vBulletin natively didn't use "likes", thread thumbnails only could be the first attachment (now they are first image linked OR attachment) The albums had all to be imported over and merged into a new system.
The age of the vBulletin was getting more and more difficult to work with, reliant on old programming code that hasn't been updated in a very long time, for example the server's operating system and software has outpaced the forum software causing deprecitive errors.
Missing parts:
The parts we all love will return in a matter of time, planetFigure at it's core is a message board(forum) with all the other parts custom programmed by me so they will make their return, the forum is priority.
Colours, fonts and visuals:
The visualisations here are pretty much out of the box, and will change over time. I'll be dressing up the some colour and additional imagery.
Finding new posts and sorting:
Up in the header you will find two links: What's New and Recent Activity showing you the recent posts.
We'll be back on track soon, in the meantime if you find problems (actual errors) please let me know!

The old vBulletin 3 forum software is over 3 years old and not getting updates or features for it. vBulletin version 4 was not an option, vB4 is a bug infested shell of it's former self, not to mention I have politcal reasons against it.
It was a grueling feat to move all the data from vBulletin to Xenforo, vBulletin natively didn't use "likes", thread thumbnails only could be the first attachment (now they are first image linked OR attachment) The albums had all to be imported over and merged into a new system.
The age of the vBulletin was getting more and more difficult to work with, reliant on old programming code that hasn't been updated in a very long time, for example the server's operating system and software has outpaced the forum software causing deprecitive errors.
Missing parts:
The parts we all love will return in a matter of time, planetFigure at it's core is a message board(forum) with all the other parts custom programmed by me so they will make their return, the forum is priority.
Colours, fonts and visuals:
The visualisations here are pretty much out of the box, and will change over time. I'll be dressing up the some colour and additional imagery.
Finding new posts and sorting:
Up in the header you will find two links: What's New and Recent Activity showing you the recent posts.
We'll be back on track soon, in the meantime if you find problems (actual errors) please let me know!
