Being not prone to hysterical emotional overreacting and not avid to share anything not figure related I have to say however that this morning, after my usual check for news on this forum, my world stood still as I checked the national news, learning about the bomb attacks on Brussels National Airport and a metro station causing at least 20 deaths and many more heavily wounded. Some comfort is the knowledge that friends and former brothers in arms on the military security details at the airport are safe and well, but anyone having witnessed the carnage resulting from a bomb attack on a mass of civilians will probably share some thoughts for the victims of this cowardly slaughter, perpetrated in the name of what actually? Apologies for sharing this, but even after 40 years in the military I'm dumbfounded.
Putty and brushes will rest today, I think I'll go for a long walk in the wood...
Putty and brushes will rest today, I think I'll go for a long walk in the wood...