What is this? LOL...


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Hello Mr. Huw

Thank you Sir for your comment...

We will do and improve the horses to try to have more historical accuracy... I think you wouldnt be disapponted... I will do my best... I can assure you that...

We need soem time to put everthing on the place, but you will have news...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Frank...

Thank you for your words... Our team will do the best we can to do a god work... And I hope you liked the final result...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr, Attila

Thank you Sir... We will try to develop the war chariot with small horses, like the photos that people send to us... Let us see what can we do...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Huw

Thank you Sir for your comment...

We will do and improve the horses to try to have more historical accuracy... I think you wouldnt be disapponted... I will do my best... I can assure you that...

We need soem time to put everthing on the place, but you will have news...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira

No the thanks go to you sir - you always give it 100%. Good to see work being done on a Celtic icon, one of us original ancient Britons.


This thread has been quite a revelation for me.

Until now I was under the impression that the act of offering historical advice or suggestions to manufacturers or retailers was forbidden here and any member brazen enough to do so was indeed at risk of having their membership discontinued.

I'm very encouraged to see that a change in moderation and administration has seen that ridiculous situation restored to a more sensible attitude.....as far as this thread goes at least.
Hugo's maturity, generosity and genuine consideration of all the suggestions and advice is a very refreshing and positive experience and one rarely seen on this forum for some time.

I certainly hope that this is a sign of a new attitude on pF and that members will continue to offer historical suggestions and advice in good faith without fear of misguided attacks and that most if not all manufacturers or retailers will also show the same kind of maturity and grace that Hugo has shown when considering that advice.

P.S......Hugo, My piece of advice is to have another look at the hooves especially the back ones.........and consider the back part of the hooves.
Also I believe the wheels are a little too modern looking to me.

Hi Mark

Thanks for the comments , it's good to see how members feel and also respond to an idea .

As far as RP goes Hugo always welcomes ideas , thoughts , reference pictures regarding the hooves , wheels etc or indeed anything else .

The pictures are very much WIP that's why they were shown ..to get suggestions etc

Constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated on PF

I certainly hope that this is a sign of a new attitude on pF
Hugo is an exception and a kind of role model for others IMHO. Therefore he is able to deliver what many modellers are after and his kits are selling like hotcakes.
There is some suspicion that Boudicca and her followers were not happy with the Romans questioning the accuracy of the anatomy of the Britons, their hairstyle, equipment etc. and therefore visited Colchester which held at that time the first model soldier exhibition of the ancient world....a tradition how to handle critical comments which is still evident in some of today`s UK-producers and PF-members.
So still think twice before commenting, Mark! I am afraid Colchester is just around the corner of your place on this planet :D
Cheers, Martin.

Hugo - thanks for developing your projects as a WIP-experience and for taking on board all these interesting informations - best of luck with the success of this piece!
Did Boudicca resemble some sort of Icenian prop forward or a sorrel-haired version of Olga Kurylenko ? Who knows ?
I suppose it depends on how many of this piece you want to sell. Whatever you decide ...... I'm in ...... because this one
looks like an absolute classic !
Tacitus and Cassius Dio agree that Boudica was of royal descent. Dio describes her as "possessed of greater intelligence than often belongs to women." He also describes her as tall, with tawny hair hanging down to below her waist, a harsh voice and a piercing glare. He notes that she habitually wore a large golden necklace (perhaps a torc), a colourful tunic, and a thick cloak fastened by a brooch [ - Google search!]
Also claims she was born in 33 AD, and died either 60 or 61 AD. This would make her age to be 27 or 28. Not sure of her daughters ages, but if she married young then it is feasible? Tacitus claims they were violated and Boudicca flogged [the 'spark' for the rebellion], but Cassius Dio doesnt mention this, claiming the revolt started when Catus [the Procurator] and Seneca [buddy of Nero] called in the debts of Prasutagus [Boudicca's husband]
Hello Mr. Huw...

We will do the horses like poneys... Small but with moviment... We will do all the efforts to develop a great and dynamic figure...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello my GOOD FRIEND Kevin...

Your help and friendship dont have size... I already told you that, but sometimes I really feel the word THANK YOU is very poor and empty for express everthing that you do for RPmodels, for me and for my people... Thank you so much my friend for be always there in all moments... TAHNK YOU...

Take care and a big ugg.
Hello Mr. House Carl

You have to came to Hospital de Santa Maria... Then you can see what is a battle field... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Thank you Sir for your comment.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Andrew

We receveid drawings from Kevin Peart... Kevin talked with his friend that have drawings of the war chariot and many details. We are using this material to develop the figure and I received many material of many people. Im very happy and I feel a bery honorable person because the answer of people. People are support us, and this is very good...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Frank...

Thank you for your comment...

I my opinion, and this is JUST MY OPINION, its very important have both accuracy and harmony... What we do... We study the character, and then we have to think in the way to join the accuracy and moviment. This is teh worst part... And we lost many time to try to develop this... And I think and believe we are doing a good job.

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Mark S.

In first place I want to express my gratitute to your kind words...

Sir your words pride all RPmodels team. And put in our shoulders a big weight and responsability. Your words should to us, that we have to continue to improve, to better every day, and be better again, and again, and again... RPmodels borned in 08/03/2015, and Ive my own work. Im doing this with a big passion, and I try to develop new concepts, new ideas, new things... I try to pass to all my Team all my passion and my feelings. I love details... And in my job the details are very important and allow us to do the difference... And my teachers always teach me that... So in my professional live I use this concept, and I put the same behaviour in RPmodels... I know we are very small and we have many to grow up to be better... And I dont have any problems in accept that... I already told this in later post of other figure, I dont remember what it was... LOL... LOL... We start to have a good catalog...Small, but good... LOL... LOL... In my office in the wall you have write 'Be better today than yesterdat, be better tomorrow than today.' And this is my standart dilema... This isnt easy... Believe me... But only the strong people can do changes, and I believe we puting our stamp in a new and different concept.

Thank you Sir for your words... They are very important to us...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Fogie

Thank you Sir for your words...

Ive to disappoint you... LOL... LOL... We arent doing Olga... LOL... LOL... LOL... We are doing and developing our concept. You will have our own copyrights... LOL... LOL... I can assure you that will be amazing... I can assure you that... The dynamic, harmony, action and moviment of the chariot will be AMAZZZZZZIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG...

Thank you Sir for your words.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Martin 64...

How are you Sir? I hope everthing is alright with you...

Sir, your words are very strong and gives a big responsability. I hope I can do something to suprise you... I will do my best... 110%... LOL... LOL...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Tock 24

Thank you Sir for you information. This will be very good to help us in our development. All information is very important to us...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hugo, I called em Big Dogs because the Native Americans supposedly didn't have a word for horse when the Spanish brought them to the continent. I gots two of them Big Dogs myself and the little dogs, pups, haven't quite figured em out just yet, but they will soon enough.

From what I'm seeing you are doing an incredible job on the structure, just my humble opinion. I would, however, smooth out the transitions between muscle groups, they appear a bit abrupt from here. Pose changing is always in play, Ruck On!

Cheers, Ski.

P.S. Noting your talent and work, there's hardly a doubt about the end result Amigo, just press on and keep up the positive attitude, you can never fail in the end.

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