What is this? LOL...


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Hello Mr. Steve

Thank you for comment... I like the name of Big Dogs... LOL... LOL... LOL... I didnt know that history...

We are changing the horses and put horses like the poney horses that the bretans used... With a cut air...

Thank you for your words Sir... I believe too, I think the final result it will be very good... Thank you for your support and believe in us...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
More Updates...



This is more updates... What I want is share with you every piece of modelling... Of course I will do a surprise, and I will put all teh composition in the place, with extra detail and a FANTASTIC Pose, full of ACTION and LIVE...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
One thing to take note of. The Iceni had revolted once and they were forbidden to have swords. Any swords would have been Roman, hastily made or hidden You would get away with something dating before the Roman invasion or equally plausible, a Roman spatha and a good spear!

Hello Mr. Andrew...

Its very true what you said, but in Iceni and Bretain Culture the Swords belongs to fighters fighters... I believe they hide the weapons... If not how can they start a rebellion? For the first fights, they have to have their own gear and weapons... After they defeat the first roman troops, they can have their gear and weapons... Another thing that I believe... Boudica will use everthing Iceni... Like a symbol of culture and to protect their values and lands... Its one thing that I want to put in figures... I want the transmit in character the symbol of freedom... And of fight to maintain the culture, values, the way that we live...

Thank you so much.
With bets regards
Hugo Pereira
Another ambicious project from your bran Mr. Pereira. Likes me too, as the camel. Here are again the advices of the planeteers and the brand hearing. I can't wait to see more.
The face of the fighter is perfect for me. Stay working in this wonder
Hello Mr. Metal Extremo...

Thank you so much... Im big task is develop this sculpture with your help, and develop a sculpture that belong to all of us... Its something complet different, but people are completely love with this... So many messages and emails... This tell me we are in the good way... So lets continue in the fight...

thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hi there Hugo

Thanks for WIP shots ....certainly full of action

Figure positions look good perhaps have Boudica leaning over more over the edge from the waist at a enemy

Chariot driver ....have him shouting and maybe slightly with his knees bent more or sitting down maybe ?

Horses ...perhaps have one of the hands raised more and the mouth areas more expressive as they are all fired up with the action

Horse look a lot better more stocky

Thanks for sharing

The horses look great to me, strong,stocky and muscled enough to pull the chariot and occupants. The driver could perhaps benefit from his arms being at more of a stretch, looking as though he's really giving the horses their heads to run. At this stage, Boudicca's pose looks OK, although I do worry if she'll be able to keep her balance with both hands occupied, bouncing over rough ground.
This is going to be SOOO dynamic....really looking forward to it now;)(y) The driver looks a real tough Briton....reminds me somewhat of a biker friend of mine:cool:

Thanks for keeping us all updated, Hugo, wishing you every success with this project.:happy:

Hugo, this is looking fantastic. I know there is still a long way until the finished product, but how would I order a kit when it's ready for sale? Off your website or off your Facebook page?
I am enjoying watching the progression of this project.
Looking good! I notice Boudicca is now left handed? Perhaps put the driver more to the right, have herself on the left and put spear in right hand? Shield on the left covering both? Or perhaps the driver more to the front with Boudicca in the middle rear? That would ease access to the spare spears..
Just a thought!
Hello my good friend Kevin

Thank you for your comment... We are in the fight... This isnt easy because its very new concept, but wit effort and work I believe in the final result... And of course with your help and the help of RPmodels friends and supporters...

Thank you.
Big ugg and take care.
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Gerald

In first place my appollogies for the delay answer...

You can buy in our web page, facebook or one of our partners... I know my web isnt update, but it will be in a few days... but in this moment I dont have figures to sell... Everthing is SOLD OUT, so the shops have the last figures... After that, its GONE... I prefer to continue working with limited Editions of 200 busts, and 300 75mm... The composition like Boudica chariot and a new piece is coming of Napoleons War, it will be just 150 pieces... I need the space of the office to develop a bigger 3D department... In this moment Im developing sculptures to other companies, so the space in Stockhouse is very small... LOL... LOL...

Thank you Sir for your words... I hope this can help you, but if you need something you can send me a email to [email protected]

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
It's fine Hugo we can see how busy you are. it's looking very good and I love the face on the driver he looks the part. do think you are going in the right direction with this one. keep it up my friend .




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