Which is more fun and satisfying.......?


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Me…I love the research, the planning, the scratch building, modelling and sculpting but I labour over the painting. But it is nice when something is finished and it goes into the cabinet.
I’ve got so many files, photos, Pinterest boards, etc of projects waiting in line that will keep me busy for the rest of my natural.
Interesting. I think I like the prep/research and the finished article the most. I spend hours thinking of ideas for vignettes/dioramas, and if I am making something I also spend many hours making sure it is as historically as accurate as possible. I also enjoy looking at my finished models, provided they turn out well (if they don't, they are most likely to go in the bin). I can easily sit down and spend 15 minutes looking at completed models that I am happy with. I guess that's also why I enjoy going to shows, because I really like looking at little miniatures!

The process is the part I enjoy the least, although I do enjoy it. But I am not a great "engineer", so if I am building aircraft or AFVs, I struggle with scratchbuilding/making replacement parts or improving kit parts. I think I also have ideas above my station, so I frequently struggle to replicate in miniature the idea I have in my head, which I find frustrating. I am also incredibly slow, so it takes me ages to finish anything.
For me it is the painting, but in an inverse relationship with time. The longer a piece takes the less I enjoy it and the more likely I am to get bored and move on to something else. I have a pretty poor conversion rate.
For me it is the painting, but in an inverse relationship with time. The longer a piece takes the less I enjoy it and the more likely I am to get bored and move on to something else. I have a pretty poor conversion rate.

I can suffer from this. A catastrophic drop in enthusiasm - often fatal for a project. I get over it by doing things in segments. When planning, I work out which bit will give me the most trouble and start with that. That way, I can cope better with any anticipated difficulties earlier in the project.
I like to paint figures that allow me to create my own colour schemes rather than just
follow a prescribed uniform. For me the fun part is mixing an original and harmonious
palette of colours that fit the period and work well together. As work progresses and the
colours start to interact it generates its own momentum and desire to see the piece completed.

For me it must be the process, because I only occasionably look back at older pieces. At the same time, trying to get a better result motivates me to tinker with the process along the way. So maybe it’s a bit of both... :)
It's the process for me.
Especially towards the end, as the finished article begins to reveal itself.
Immersing into the subject - ACW podcasts, books, medieval music etc as appropriate - whilst painting the figure enhances the experience.
Finishing is always something of an anticlimax: the end is when there's nothing left to do. I'm either satisfied with the results, or not.
The hunt for the next new figure. Then the process, fill, carve, shave, resculpt, then paint. Once it's done goes in display cabinet or given away to friends who like it!
I forget sometimes I have painted them until I put the next one into the cabinet.

I don't go to contest anymore as they are too far away so end product is just for my wife to say "that looks good or not my favorite." Maybe I should start posting my stuff?
The hunt for the next new figure. Then the process, fill, carve, shave, resculpt, then paint. Once it's done goes in display cabinet or given away to friends who like it!
I forget sometimes I have painted them until I put the next one into the cabinet.

Totally agree, planning the next purchase then research and then right through to finishing the painting.
The hunt for the next new figure. Then the process, fill, carve, shave, resculpt, then paint. Once it's done goes in display cabinet or given away to friends who like it!
I forget sometimes I have painted them until I put the next one into the cabinet.

I don't go to contest anymore as they are too far away so end product is just for my wife to say "that looks good or not my favorite." Maybe I should start posting my stuff?

Yes, you should start posting your stuff. We'd like to see your work. It's all good man.

It's the process for me.
Especially towards the end, as the finished article begins to reveal itself.
Immersing into the subject - ACW podcasts, books, medieval music etc as appropriate - whilst painting the figure enhances the experience.
Finishing is always something of an anticlimax: the end is when there's nothing left to do. I'm either satisfied with the results, or not.

Pretty much the same for me but in reverse. I get fully into the research, reading both fact and fiction about the period, event or individual. The modelled and painted end result is for me only part of the process. As I've said before nothing is displayed, some given away, others butchered and the rest scattered in boxes. That being said I love it.
Agree with "process" as above. When Military Modeling Magazine was still available, I enjoyed doing some of the figs conversions in their articles. I still have a Horatio Nelson from 20+ years ago where in a Verlinden infantryman was changed to the admiral.
As the eyes and hands got older, the figures / busts got bigger with less desire to do cutting and reconstruction. I admire those abilities in others.
A project to catalog my finished collection stalled early as I am more interested in what comes next, rather than "what was I thinking when I did that?"

Whatever you like to do, Enjoy!

Its the whole thing for me really, the research, preparation and painting.
Although I'm not always happy with the end result. Sometimes I feel I could've done better.
I'm always my worst critic.


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