hi friend
I'm back with this project.. some of you asked me how I tackel the flag... it's a mix of mechnics and technical issue...
for my flags I use a wire rod in copper,
theree dimension :
diameter 1,5 mm external with 1 mm hole.
extenal 1 mm with a 0.5 hole
the third is a steel rod 0,4 mm diameter
why three? because to have an easy painting I need to have the flag disassembled
anhoter problem is that the final assembled figure is too tall to be transported in the normal boxes, the flag must be assembled directly at the show.
to simplify I divided the pole in two parts, the lower fixed to the arm and to the foot and the upper fixed to the flag
to guarantee stability the different dimension of the rod is useful entering one into the other. We have to remember also that the 1,5 mm rod had an hole where the pin in the hand enter.
to fix the flag position i modified the upper an lower 1.5 mm rod creating a joint
hoping to have explained in my poor english...