Why is everyone selling all their stuff?


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My Grey Army was mobilised in 2009 and remained platoon-size until 2011. It is now Battalion size. Every time I tell myself that I have enough figures and busts, that little voice inside my head gets very angry at the very concept of "too many figures" and tells me to stop being such a pussy and buy more figures and busts. I then get online and buy more figures and busts. Then I feel better ;)
I think I've sold off everything I knew I wouldn't get round to painting and I don't intend to buy another kit until I've painted at lest 2/3 rds off what I have left no matter how much I that new kit :nailbiting::nailbiting: .

My dear Chip, I laughed when I read that.

I too have uttered those exact words. Lasted about a fortnight until Moz brought something out and I was seduced...:rolleyes:
The correct number of figures is n+1, where n = the number of figures you have now.

You can't fight science ;)

Billy :)
entanglementequationphoto.jpg. Rubbish, yes you can. :D Now this to me!, looks like the complete and perfect mathematical equation of any modeller. 1 being worked on, one semi being worked on! and 11 in reserve. The results are pending.:D:LOL:

My dear Chip, I laughed when I read that.

I too have uttered those exact words. Lasted about a fortnight until Moz brought something out and I was seduced...:rolleyes:

Blind Pew I have visited two model shows this year and apart from paints and brushes I have resisted all attempts by stall holders to tempt me from parting with cash or plastic to take home the latest or best deal kit, although I almost gave in when one stand had a rare 1/24 th scale Sopwith Camel kit at a ridiculously low price . I find internet buying easy to resit but not model shows were bargains can be had , I still dream about that kit :cry::cry: .chippy

I lost interest. Every day are new figures...
From now one I will try to buy and paint ,will be dificult but I willl try.

I have decided to build my fallschirmjager and enter it in the Christmas competition at my local club. I dug it out tonight and blew the dust off it and you know what, its not half as bad as I thought it was when I first looked at it a few months ago. The "brothel creeper" style boots need a bit of sole reduction and the entrenching tool doesn't look quite right but I'm sure they'll be easy(ish) fixes.

This is the kit: http://www.dragon-models.com/d-m-item.asp?pid=DRA1628

If anyone has any experience of this kit and has some advice then its very welcome :)

Billy :)
My Grey Army was mobilised in 2009 and remained platoon-size until 2011. It is now Battalion size. Every time I tell myself that I have enough figures and busts, that little voice inside my head gets very angry at the very concept of "too many figures" and tells me to stop being such a pussy and buy more figures and busts. I then get online and buy more figures and busts. Then I feel better ;)

That's what my wifey does with shoes LOL

I agree with all the reason's offered above but have also been stockpiling figures for 30 years (by simply buying to many to paint), with a rationale that I will have lots to paint when I retire.
Much of my GA were state of the art when bought, but have now been overshadowed by better sculpts (a problem my brother also has with his AFV kits).
I have a Barton 90mm Mahnes, but then bought a 54mm Pegaso going cheap at a Euromilitaire to use in a vingette - then Metal Models brought another one out - all good models but am I likely to build them all? - not likely - the problem is which one(s) to hold on to.
Then there are the impulse and bargain purchases at shows which seemed a good idea at the time. I am a Napoleonic / Samurai nut but have been tempted by other periods, sci-fi and fantasy - these are unlikely to get built but you never know - "they will make a nice change!"
I have also only just finished conversing with Tubby-Nuts, over a request for an old Poste Militaire figure which made me question whether it was just gathering dust after all. Over the last three days I have changed my mind two or three times as to whether I really want to part with it , and yes, the impending Euromilitaire did encourage the idea of a sale to boost my budget a little.
Maybe I'm just in a fortunate place to have built up a massive grey army, but I know I'm not alone. Like a woman - it's a modeller's right to change his mind.
I now simply consider my hobby to be Model collecting - it's so much easier than doing all that painting - expensive, yes - but still fun - Ha-Ha!
Lol! .. David! as macabre as this sounds! My, Father has the same idea as yours! (only its model railway stuff). Now! the last time we spoke about his amassed, 'Engine-Shed'. it equated to 0ver 100 Locos, 600+ Wagons, coaches, brake vans, etc. ... :eek:.. The whole point being, he has been retired for 18yrs. My basic question to him was 'Are going to be able to construct, paint, and run this stuff, before you 'Pop your clogs'. .. After he called me a few choice names :(... he could only agree! .. he has to stop buying and get on with what he has. :LOL:

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