A Fixture
A quick updated . Added the flesh colours to the face and I'll stay with them pretty much as how they are , I might add the odd line here and there . I need to add the highlight in the eyes but this sort of detail I only do in daylight so tomorrow morning for that little touch . The hair needs a few more shadows and highlights but I'll wait until the oils dry back bit before hitting this area . The hat just needs the bradding tidying up a bit and then that's done . Now on to the clothing . For those of you who have not had a good laugh in a while tone in .
Hi Steve nice to see you , a good suggestion . I imagine when he had some serious gunfighting to do he strapped on his holsters , surly there must have been a chance of the barrel snagging in a sash .
Jimbo I only mentioned the horse because I wanted to see the Bunny caught in the headlights fear in your eyes mate .
Hi Steve nice to see you , a good suggestion . I imagine when he had some serious gunfighting to do he strapped on his holsters , surly there must have been a chance of the barrel snagging in a sash .
Jimbo I only mentioned the horse because I wanted to see the Bunny caught in the headlights fear in your eyes mate .