WW1 diorama and figs ready for paint....


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Thanks Markus

Well lucky me the Highlanders have kilt aprons over their kilts so I'm saved this time :lol:

Per Olav
Per Olav,

Everything is coming together. Great piece of work. I really like it. But i cannot give the stairs a place in the whole setup.
So if you please help me out of this.
But it is awesome. Hope to see it finish real soon.

Thanks Artur and Marc

But i cannot give the stairs a place in the whole setup.

Marc, the area is supposed to be a church/grave yard. I was thinking that a tomb has collapsed and the whole area in the front has sunked. This combined with months of shelling and soldiers digging in positions has changed the whole area completely. I guess all this together can make some strange position of elements.

Per Olav
Per Olav I thinkYou managed to get almost perfect situation on your base. If you look at pics of shelled and upturned WWI battlefields they look just like that! Two thumbs up to you! :) Like overall this dio!

Cheers Mikko
Originally posted by Milorg@Apr 2 2006, 09:37 PM
Thanks Artur and Marc

Marc, the area is supposed to be a church/grave yard. I was thinking that a tomb has collapsed and the whole area in the front has sunked. This combined with months of shelling and soldiers digging in positions has changed the whole area completely. I guess all this together can make some strange position of elements.

Per Olav
Thanks Per Olav,

Well, this make sense, what about a crusifix around the stairs to make it more like a ruined tombe.
But it is just my two cents (Euro) :lol:

Best in Show!

I can only echo what;s been said to at this point. Olav, its brilliant, capitvating, imaginative, there's so much to see, an absolute demonstration of what eye candy can really be.

Hats off

Per Olav,
This is your best dio out of all the great ones you did so far (y)
I can only repeat what has already been said :)
Great composition and unrivalled attention to details.
A real eye candy!


Was hoping to see it in person at Euro but I dont' think I can make it this year :(
Thanks John and Arthur

Arthur, to bad you can't make it to Euro, a great show in all aspect.

Marc, on the opposite side of the plane there is som evidence of a tomb, even a coffin and some rats :lol:


Per Olav
My dear friend per Olav i have been following the work of yours through the years andbeeing inspired a lot by it . Once again you show imagination and creativity and a lot of unbeatable skills . I really admire your planning and sollutions on the making !!!!!!

Best regards my friend !!!!

Originally posted by Milorg@Apr 3 2006, 02:33 PM

Marc, on the opposite side of the plane there is som evidence of a tomb, even a coffin and some rats :lol:


Per Olav
Thanks Per Olav,

Now you mention this, i notice. It make's it more real. It is like a painting of Jeroen Bosh, the more you look at it, as more as you going to see.

Great work Per Olav.

Thanks guys

John, I was hoping like you say that the plane colour would be a cool cotrast to the muddy ground. Many Roland had green and brown camouflage but I think that would have make the scene much more uniform. Some Rolands even had fish shels painted on the light blugreen fuselage, an awsome finish but after a couple of tryes I gave it up :lol: thanks

Costas my friend, your words is realy appreciated, your work is also a great inspiration to me.

Thanks Marc.


Per Olav
AWESOME WORK, Per Olav (y) (y) !!!! Your eye for detail is FANTASTIC !!! A BOS indeed !! Cheers !
Kenneth :lol: .
I was wondering, what's the method of your placement of the random roots we see in the base soil. What do they consist of? They look so natural, if you placed them in individually it must have taken you hours because they're everywhere. I'm so so impressed with this dio.

Thanks in advance,

Thanks again guys!

Kenneth, details its whats its all about, right? :lol: Actually I'm going to add a few more details, some tools, leaves and bricks.

Roger, I am not shure about my next project, have a couple of ideas but we'll see. One thing for shure is that I,m going to work on a couple of projects at the same time to get some variation ;)

John, the roots are real roots from small trees, try different types of trees because they have different root systems, a day in the forest can give you besides some nice fresh air, roots for a lifetime :lol:
When I do groundwork I make small areas at the time ( about 5x5 cm) This make me focus and get the right look and details to the groundwork. Yes, It usually take many hours to make the groundwork this way. The roots are usually glued on too the groundwork (I use Sculpamold) together with sand, rocks and grass.

Per Olav

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