Young Miniatures -August Release


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Well my point more or less is that you dont get away with lies in the long run.
It was easier in earlier periods with your own region where you might have had control but most of it has surfaced some years later never the less.

On the other hand are my signatures somewhat examples of what becomes a "truth" while being transmitted by the jungle telegraph.

What else can one say? ~Gary


  • dead horse.gif
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Hello All

First, Thank you very much for all interests and reproof.
New creation always gives me a lot of stresses.
Specially, bust is many restriction on expression of image.
I wanted to express image of this bust by factors external (Coat on shoulder, hand and tobacco...).
when I plan this bust, I had worried because form of it similar to Jaguar's bust of Mr. Mike.
But, I had thought that I can express different image by my style.
So, I thought more, and tried for it.
Nevertheless, many people said that it is image copy with Jaguar's bust.
So, I think that my ability of sculpture is very insufficient yet.
This time, I learn and feel many things.
I heartily appreciate all your opinions.
I hear seriously, and will try more.

And I did not made WWII Greman figure for special purpose.
Just I'm interested in their uniform and equipments like other modellers.
I know about WWII's tragedy and is cruel.
And I feel sympathy in their sorrow.
Because the Korea had a lot of pains from war of several times.
But, I am very sorry if bruised mind of someone from my figure.

I do not want that my figure is understood politically or maliciously.
It's just figure model.
Please understand it by that point.

Thank you for all.

It's a G-damn shame that it had gotten to a point
where Young had to post a such reply.
Young didn't have to apologize for jack nada!
Dear Young,

There is no reason for you to apologize to us. If anything it is planetfigure that needs to apologize to you. You give the figure painting community some of the world's best figures and busts and go to great legnths to provide us with a variation of historical subjects. For this I thank you and hope that you continue to provide us with your sculpting talents.

When I went back over and read this thread I became embarrassed about being a planetfigure member and wished I had remained a moderator. It never would of gone this far.

Young has a unique style, like so many other sculptors who provide this so very small community of painters and I personally love your style and look forward each month to seeing what you are going to release.

Please do not let the rantings and childish behavior of a few stop the continued supply of wonderful castings you bring us.

Hello All

First, Thank you very much for all interests and reproof.
New creation always gives me a lot of stresses.
Specially, bust is many restriction on expression of image.
I wanted to express image of this bust by factors external (Coat on shoulder, hand and tobacco...).
when I plan this bust, I had worried because form of it similar to Jaguar's bust of Mr. Mike.
But, I had thought that I can express different image by my style.
So, I thought more, and tried for it.
Nevertheless, many people said that it is image copy with Jaguar's bust.
So, I think that my ability of sculpture is very insufficient yet.
This time, I learn and feel many things.
I heartily appreciate all your opinions.
I hear seriously, and will try more.

Thank you for all.


Hello Young,

I do not want you to feel that I am upset about this bust of yours and any similarity it may have to my old model. As I said before "They say imitation is a form of flattery, so I will take it on that basis."

In fact, I am a great fan of your work!

Since you were trying to go beyond what I had done, I would say that you have done a better job with the leather coat, and the awful hand on my bust. Your work is always refreshing and a pleasure to behold. I look forward to your future models. Keep up the good work!


Mike Good
Dear Young,

thank you for your posting.

But I continiue at my point.

An SS-Figure can't be unpolitical! Never!

As special not a member of these "Totenkopfverbänden".

You made so verry interesting figures at the past! I love them.

But I think, it would have been better, this sprecial figure would have never been created.

Hopefully for us, Young is gonna produce some more figure's. That we all can't be happy with the factory's made is inherent at the commercial side.
That you don't like this figure is your good right. But i must say that you can't speak for all the figurepainters when you say that this figure never had to be created.
It is the freedom of the artist, and it is up to us if we buy it or not.
But no statement like this.

Hi there!

I only spek for myself. But I speak to you also as a member oft a family, who lost other members by the nazis.
One of this cases is so prominent, that a german prime-minister has to resignate from his post, after it came out, that he was shared.

Back to the theme:
Young said, he is interested in uniforms of WWII in Germany.
This is okay for me.

Young than had 300 to 400 different examples, for so much uniforms were used in the so-called "Third Reich".

But he created an SS-Officer. And not even one of the "normal SS" but one of the cruelest SS-Units ever.


Only interest in german uniforms or - perhaps - looking to the market?

I think, this special bust was also created to sell much of them at this market and - unfortunately to me! - those SS-Figures accumulate more and more, for they are obviousley good to sell to some kind of people...

Offer: Send Fotos of this bust to jewish organisations in the US, Israel or Germany an ask THEM how unpolitically they will find it.

To my point, it's a thousand pities that we have to discuss this actually.


You have stated your opinion 5 separate times.

This is a modelling forum.........not a political forum

Someone please close this thread! I am Jewish and I am also trying to become a figure artist. Young makes outstanding figures. My family lost members in the Holocaust in Aushwitchz. I take no offense to the figure in any way. It happened, it is history and that is what figure artist paint, history.


P.S. How many Jews did the Romans kill?
Mr. Rohmann

But he created an SS-Officer. And not even one of the "normal SS" but one of the cruelest SS-Units ever. Why?

Do you not read the replies? There is a combat unit called 3SS Pz. Div. "Totenkopf".
The collar tabs for this unit was the skull also. Young didn't mention that this was
a bust of SS guard at a concentration camp.

Offer: Send Fotos of this bust to jewish organisations in the US, Israel or Germany an ask THEM how unpolitically they will find it.
Why? It's none of their business. Why not send some pics of IDF models to the refugee camps in Lebanon?

To my point, it's a thousand pities that we have to discuss this actually.
I know. It's pity that you are forcing your own history on others.

It bothers me that you ask others to be sensitive and politically correct about
your background and situation, and yet you are not returning the same favor to others.
For instance, when was the last time you condemned Russian communist or
imperial Japanese figures citing that they have committed civilian massacres?
For instance, when was the last time you condemned Russian communist or
imperial Japanese figures citing that they have committed civilian massacres?

All armies commit atrocities. Those few "bad apples" are only ordinary men who have been convinced to kill others through a culturally approved process. Warfare and people who promote war turn ordinary men into psychopaths. War itself is an atrocity.

By that definition, the only "proper" things we can model would be butterflies, flowers and warm fuzzy puppies. Sadly, I do not have any interest in modeling those things.

Yet, we still watch murders on TV and crane our necks to see car wrecks. Well, I better get back to making those screwy little army men!
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