Ron Tamburrini
A Fixture
Poor old Young's gets it in the mooth again .
Nice bust and super paint and nice to see metals done with metal .
Nice bust and super paint and nice to see metals done with metal .
When I wrote last night this miniature would vibe ... I was expecting everyone to be thrilled about the replication of the spectacular Theilenhofen helmet:
But all I see is the crowd pounding the mouth of the miniature. But people, please realize: the mouth contraction and jaw protuberance occur when mammals (and not exclusively humans) fight. So, let's call it "an extreme pose".
But all I see is the crowd pounding the mouth of the miniature. .... Since Romans are for figures, what Tigers are to armor and Emils to Aircraft, where are the Roman fans to cheer this novelty?
This wasn't a forum on which only fawning, unconditional praise is allowed - the figure painting world's version of North Korea, if you like . Which means that if you put up a piece for inspection, expect people to point out the things that they don't like, as well as the things that they do like
I guess the question is whether the top of the mouth is easily correctible to the average modeller with adding a wee bit of magic sculpt or miliput to bring down the top lip to cover the gums. I don't think that would would be the best approach because of the moustache. If I had it, I would drill out the top teeth and gums, resculpt the teeth higher and perhaps add the tongue to create an open mouthed yell. Probably doable for most modellers.
That is very true. And this is probably an answer to Jimbo's question too.It would be a cold day in hell before I spend $70-$80 on a new release and then have to do dental surgery
Errrr .... but pretty much all of us have agreed that (mouth aside) it is a very nice piece that is sure to do well!! I even acknowledged that although it doesn't work for me personally, I could see what effect the sculptor was aiming for. And some guys don't appear to regard the mouth as a problem at all.
Last time I checked, this wasn't a forum on which only fawning, unconditional praise is allowed - the figure painting world's version of North Korea, if you like . Which means that if you put up a piece for inspection, expect people to point out the things that they don't like, as well as the things that they do like (and yes, that helmet is beautifully done).
- Steve
If the mouth is the deal breaker then I think that Gaudins solution is worth considering.
What I'd do is to sculpt a new lower lip across the bottom teeth, a bit of re-shaping of the upper teeth to create lower teeth.
Sculpt in a heavier beard to cover the original lower lip area and re-sculpt a 'droopy' Gaul type moustache to cover the upper lip area.