PlanetFigure Supporter
Zodiac, I understand your frustration. I didn't think Collin actually used the term luddite to apply to his actions but only his stubborness to stick with materials and not digital. I thought he meant anachronist, but luddite was the first word that came to mind, otherwise why would he say
A luddite wouldn't respect or support technology, he would tear it down.
Richard - Quite right. I am quite happy to label myself or even mislabel myself. And you are correct the term Luddite was poorly chosen as I would never oppose tech developments for others. My personal frustration in this field is my perceived view I pick up from some that THIS is the way of the future and you shall either jump on board or be swept aside. I should put that down to excitement of the face past of newly emerging tools perhaps. Maybe I am the only one getting this sub-text? I really do think that most amateur sculptors will stay traditional or go 100% digital. My prediction is that there won't be a lot of mixing going on for a specific piece. But you can ask SWMBO how often I am right and take comfort. Digital agnostic...I love it.