Kelvin (or is it Nick?), get some perspective. I thought the quality of your photographs was something we agreed on, after all you did say they didn't do the figure justice and the statement on my part was in response to you calling my (and Colin's) input rubbish (is this not a cheap shot on your part?). I also qualified my comment as tongue in cheek by adding the and beginning the next sentence with "but being serious". I think it's more than a touch over-sensitive to consider that a "nasty cheap shot" but then perhaps you deliberately pick up on comments like this and use them as justification to attack people and then accuse them of starting and argument. What ever do you mean by a "54mm wombat"?
In my first post on this thread I feel I have expressed non-confrontational opinions on the quality of the figure and the economic viability of using the high-end printers, but you choose to be dismissive of these with your "whatever boss" reply. It's strange behavior to start trolling your own thread but it seems it's not the only time you've done this. Obviously the future of 3D sculpting and printing is very important to you but I feel some tolerance of other people's views is seriously remiss in your responses and it's entirely hypocritical of you to say the discussion is not conducted in an adult fashion and then also denounce differing opinions by saying there is nothing to debate, you seem quite happy to fan the flames but you can't take the conflagration. It must be pretty mind-numbing to be involved in a conversation on a serious issue with you and I've got figures to paint so I'll leave it there, no doubt you'll want the last word.
In my first post on this thread I feel I have expressed non-confrontational opinions on the quality of the figure and the economic viability of using the high-end printers, but you choose to be dismissive of these with your "whatever boss" reply. It's strange behavior to start trolling your own thread but it seems it's not the only time you've done this. Obviously the future of 3D sculpting and printing is very important to you but I feel some tolerance of other people's views is seriously remiss in your responses and it's entirely hypocritical of you to say the discussion is not conducted in an adult fashion and then also denounce differing opinions by saying there is nothing to debate, you seem quite happy to fan the flames but you can't take the conflagration. It must be pretty mind-numbing to be involved in a conversation on a serious issue with you and I've got figures to paint so I'll leave it there, no doubt you'll want the last word.